Steemjet in Health || Prevent Premature Aging With Antioxidants

in #steemjet6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemjetters

I am @gumegxgolgom here, and this is my post for @steemjet Health

Prevent Premature Aging With Antioxidants

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It is commonplace that the skin slowly loses its elasticity and thinning as we age. However, there are several factors that can accelerate the process and cause premature aging of the skin. These include exposure to UV rays, pollution, and cigarette smoke that produce free radicals.

To overcome this, the factors causing premature aging need to be avoided. Interventional studies also indicate if nutritional intake can help prevent premature aging of the skin. One of them by eating foods rich in antioxidants. These compounds are also often used in skin care products.

Antioxidants themselves are known to bind and neutralize free radicals, reduce peroxide concentrations, and repair membrane damage due to oxidation. In addition, there are also working as a cell regulator and can affect the metabolism and production of collagen directly.

Here are some of the best antioxidants to prevent premature aging of the skin

Vitamin C

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Vitamin C, B3, and E are the most important antioxidants because of their ability to penetrate the skin with its small molecular size. As revealed in a study in the journal "Dermatoendocrinology" in 2012, vitamin C (L-acsorbat acid) with a concentration of 5 to 15% in topical creams has anti-aging effects and can stimulate collagen production.

Vitamin E

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Vitamin E helps maintain skin youth by accelerating collagen production. This vitamin can also smooth the skin, keep moisture, and protect it from UV damage. Vitamin E can be obtained from a variety of foods such as spinach, mustard greens, broccoli, almonds, olives, and sunflower seeds.

However, vitamin E used in topical creams proves to be better than through oral supplements. Vitamin E in the form of alpha tocopherol with a concentration of 2 to 20% has anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative function. But the effect is not as strong as when used with vitamin B3 and C.

Vitamin B3

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Vitamin B3 includes powerful antioxidants that can regulate cell metabolism and regeneration. Vitamins are often referred to as niacin can also improve skin elasticity, reduce fine lines, smooth skin color, and fight peradagan and depigmentation compounds. Niacin is usually used in 5% concentration in topical creams.

Vitamin A

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Vitamin A (retinol) and its derivatives (retinaldehyde and tretinoin) also have antioxidant effects. All three are able to stimulate collagen biosynthesis and decrease the activity of collagenase 1 enzymes that can break peptide bonds in collagen.

Retinol is most often included in anti-aging products because of its lower irritant risk than tretinoin. Retinol not only gives positive effects on aging caused by external factors, but also aging due to internal factors (natural). Meanwhile, tretinoids can reduce wrinkles, maintain skin elasticity, and prevent pigmentation.

Green Tea

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Research on the benefits of green tea for skin health continues to be done. One study in vivo showed that the use of topical creams containing green tea polyphenols before exposure to UV rays can minimize DNA damage to the skin.

This is thought to be caused by the high content of antioxidants of catechins in green tea. The amount is even five times higher than black tea. These antioxidants can keep skin cells from damage, reduce wrinkles on the face, and overcome inflammation.


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Lycopene is a carotenoid that gives red to fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes. These antioxidants help fight premature aging by stimulating collagen production and preventing DNA damage to the skin. Lycopene can be absorbed by the skin easily so it can be utilized either through topical creams or supplements or foods.


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Coffee beans contain polyphenol antioxidants that can prevent collagen damage, reduce wrinkles, and prevent skin from damage. Anti-inflammatory properties are also able to reduce fine lines and maintain skin rejuvenation.


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Resveratrol antioxidants can be obtained from various foods, such as grapes (especially on the skin), nuts, mulberries, cocoa powder, and dark chocolate. Several separate studies show that resveratol in topical creams can protect the skin from UVB rays and prevent damage from oxidative stress which is one of the causes of premature aging.


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Flavonoids are found in many grapes (especially seeds), cranberries, tamarind fern roots, and bay leaf. Proantosianidin includes antioxidants that can fight free radicals and prevent the skin from oxidizing. One study also showed that grape seed extract can reactivate inactive vitamins.


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Genistein is an isovlafon polifenol compound that can be found in soybeans. These antioxidants have the ability to prevent premature aging of the skin by increasing the production of collagen and protect it from solar radiation.

Some studies show that genistein can protect the skin from UVB either through supplements or topical creams. Separate clinical trials reveal that 53% of women feel their skin tighter and wrinkles diminish after the use of genistein cream for a month.

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Thus explanation about Prevent premature aging with antioxidants
Hopefully useful for steemjetters wherever located

Thanks @gumegxgolgom



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