STEEMJET WORD 2 | selfishness and greed
It took me a while to come up with a picture caption for this post. Selfishness seems to be explained better with words, than with pictures. But all done and dusted, let's get right into the topic.
In every firm, organisation or any gathering, created based on financial grounds, it's only right to undertake self evaluation, and root out those traits that prevents progress.
Steemjet is aimed for success and even though not everybody will agree on this, we've seen the signs, and yes we've seen the works. So what does this have to do with selfishness and greed? Alot. Selfishness and greed won't let you see the bigger picture, it's me and only me, I want more and only wants more
Big companies like google have stood firm, because they have made their employees know the importance of being selfless. If a company dies, everybody in it goes with it.
We want steemjet soaring through space, and raining down steem on the galaxy, but do we really understand what this mean. We need to let go of what can I make out of it? and start asking what can we make out of this?
I'm self upvoting this post, and I won't call that greed or selfishness, as long as I show unto others the equivalent love I show unto myself. We need to work together as one, the future of steemJet lies in our hands, and it doesn't matter if you are space force member or not. Everybody contributing to steemjet matters and we determine the progress of steemJet.
Greed has a way of making you take more than you can handle. At first it feels like its not enough, on every corner, you pick. You will eventually realise that your bag can't contain.
Selfishness and greed walks hand and hand , and for us to become a better we. We need to let go of our personal interest and paint the bigger picture. Trust me wth the bigger picture, you will get more than you had bargained for.