in #steemitultimatechallenge7 years ago (edited)

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What is worth doing at all is worth doing well @dobartim

When I was introduced to steemit by emmakwisequote I told him they have come with another means of scamming people which is ignorance anyways, he huge me to try doing what I know how to do best in a unique way. I agreed and go for it, when my account was confirmed I never know much but later I realized that this is the best avenue to give the best to the society and also to improve my life. Steemit is a total change I have been waiting for in my life. What a perfect turnaround for me because the time I wasted on social medias doing absolutely nothing I have been using it judiciously imparting in people.
Steemit helps in inculcating wisdom in people, helping the less privileges.
We have to learn from one of my post.

Wealth is power

With wealth many things are possible.
One may build mighty temples of God.
One may sail the distant seas.
One may feast on the delicacies of far lands.
One may ornament the home with the richest of furnishings.
One may do all these things and many others in which there is delight for senses and gratification for soul.
And, you realize all these, you need to declare yourself that you will share all the good things of life. You will not be one of those who will stand afar off, enviously watching other enjoy. Declare yourself not satisfy with lot of a poor man. On the contrary, you will make yourself a guest at the banquet of good things.
You might not have a wealthy background with hope of inheritance and not being endowed with superior powers and wisdom, but to achieve is what you desire, time and study will be required.
As for time, all mean have it in abundance. Majority let it slip the sufficient time to have made themselves wealthy,Yet they have nothing to show.
As for study, there are two ways to study: the first is those things we learn and know, and the other is the training that teaches us how to find out what we don't know.
The question now is what advise do I have for you to accumulate wealth?
I will advise that you take the wisdom of Algamish and say to yourself, “A part of all I earn is mine to keep." Say it in the morning. Say it at noon. Say it at night. Say it each hour of every day. Say it to yourself until the words stand out like letters of fire across the sky.
Impress yourself with the idea. Fill yourself with the thought, then take whatever that is wise, let it be not less than one-tenth and lay it by. Arrange your other expenditures to do this if necessary. But lay by that portion first. Soon you will realize what a rich feeling it is to own a treasure upon which you alone have claim. As it grows it will stimulate you. Greater effort will come to you to earn more. For your increased earnings, you will not have the same percentage to keep.
Wealth, like a tree, grows from a tiny seed. The first copper you save is the seed from which your tree of wealth shall grow. The sooner you plant that seed the sooner shall the tree grow. And the more faithfully you nourish and water that tree with consistent savings, the sooner may you bask in contentment beneath its shade.
Laws of successful handling of wealth.
There three laws of handling wealth successfully, if you can patiently study and practically practice the these laws you will witness a life changing experience. Let go:

The first law is to learn to live upon less than you could earn: Don't live an extravagant life, make savings of atleast 10% of your earnings. Has it grows it helps to have greater insight on how and what to invest on.

Second learn to seek advice from those who were competent through their own experiences to give it: you can't know it all, there are always people who have done perfectly well in their area of endeavour, approach to learn about their success story. From the story and advises given you can build your empire(business).
Lastly learn to make money 💰 work for you:
When I had my first invest from my savings it crashed, I was able to start over again through another years of saving. How do I go about it? After I had saved enough I reinvest and this time I made profit and I was so excited.
Two weeks later I visited the uncle who has positively assisted me during my second investment expecting him to hail me for my achievement but to my surprise he asked a question, “what have you done with your profit?." Well I answered Comfortably that I have a great feast with my friends drink wine and eat spiced cake.
He laughed, You eat the children of your savings. Then how do you expect them to work for you? And how can they have children that will also work for you? He stood and left. It's done on me
That's how must of us handle our wealth and all will end up in the trash.

We have learnt to how to live upon less than you could earn from my previous post(if you are yet to read, please do) the next is to seek advice from people who have passed through your stage and lastly make use of all you have learnt perfectly. When you set a go for yourself, complete it but be careful not to start difficult and impracticable tasks.

On a final note you have taught yourself how to acquire money how to keep it and how to use it. Therefore you are competent.
Opportunity is a haughty goddess who waste no time with those who are unprepared.
When you serve humanity you are always filled with love.

In whatever you do and you love doing please do it well.

This is the link to steemitultimatrchallenge


Well done man, I am glad you are testifying to the beauty of steemit... you can say that again... Smile

I can say that everywhere anywhere.

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