ranty maria.jpg

Hello everybody, today I am very happy with the fabulous steemian post @dobartim and I decided to share my story. I am sure this is a good opportunity for me to join and share my story with you.

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That day the Sun seems blazing upon the Earth, berhanburan students out of their classrooms each. In front of the gate of the Holy, and Mak look Bella was waiting for his car-minibus, it appears they've saturated the minibus car waiting for never came. Finally they decided to advance road until they found a car minibus.

That's what Mak every she came home from school, although friends other Mak hasa motorbike but Mak never embarrassed or even a minder. He realized that he was born to a family of simple. His father's work serabutan, he is merely an entertainer. Mak's father actually have but only one motorbike and Mak must yield to not go kesekolah using motorcycles.

Age to 17 years then the mind had grown Mak, she's been good at picking which one is more important. MAK is already getting to know the opposite sex and the appearance of the Mak is also beginning to look grown up looks from the way she dressed from the look on his face that have started using powder and want to always appear neat and perfumed before everyone. But he never indulges his Eve should always look out before his friends, for his grateful it's better to live the life than have to pretend in living life. He never thought of luxury goods owned by her friends, that she think only how so she could always be the best and happiness of his parents.

Mak's parents always give impetus and vigor to Mak, nor do they agree when learning concentration Mak interrupted by other affairs such as dating for example. But Mak attempted to obey what they have nasihatkan and Mak did not dare to violate her because anything that has dinasihatkan to Mak this is best for him and for parental happiness is the goal Fitria which a very valuable primary should he achieve.

That's 17-year-old girl Mak a carefree and always friendly.

As usual after school in front of the minibus waiting cars Mak a gate along the two friends.

MAK: I thirst, buy a drink, yuk bell? Invite Mak to both his friend.

Bella and sacred: yuk .....

They bought the drink dikantin school not far from the gate, dikantin seems there's Bu Aira teachers SMK Taruna Cipta and some pupils who are fun to chat there. Another step they get there sound teacher greets the Mak.

Teacher: want to buy what is Fit? Tanya Bu Aira

MAK: this want to buy drink powered isotonik bu!! firmly Mak

Teacher: why hasn't come home, waiting for sapa? Bu Aira

MAK, and Bella: waiting minibus bu. ...!! They answered in unison

MAK soon took a drink he bought and paid for it. MAK and his friend returned to the place where they used to wait for a car minibus.

When Mak was enjoying his drink, suddenly heard voices whispering from the cafeteria a place Mak buy drinking water. The sound was coming from a man's pupils SMK Midshipman existing Copyright dikantin, like her she is very admiring Mak. MAK menolehkan head towards any canteen, Mak was shocked after learning of people who admire him.

Rick: it's a gorgeous chick lo! Said Rick pointing towards the Mak.

Fitria: (Rick!! what true Rick who mengagumiku over this) said her heart was full of doubt.

After Rick said like that, any direct cafeteria ambience sounds noisy. The other kids mock Rick because the word was earlier made them all curious and wanted to ascertain whether Rick actually has a crush on the same Mak.

Not answered curiosity Fitria, suddenly holding the Sacred shoulder Fitria, let you know that the eagerly awaited minibus car has come and it's time they go home.

Sacred: ayuk us home. While holding the shoulder of the Mak

Fitria: (surprised) and direct runs menujun car minibus.

Along the way during the Mak is inseparable from curiosity, her feelings are not sure because Rick is a good friend of Mak. How do Mak sure if Rick can truly admire her while each day they always meet up and take yourself to chat briefly, Rick always send an sms to the Mak and when there is time Rick always take the themselves to call the Mak. Since the beginning they met they always together, as MOS (Student Orientation) Mak often accidentally saw Rick got punishment from big brother builders and after officially became the students of SMK Taruna Cipta, Rick and Mak was elected a member of the UNITED NATIONS that will follow the race date August seventeen years ago. After school they often met in front of the gate and took myself to chat with friends Rick and Mak.

MAK never saw a sense of wanting to have it inside of Rick, joked the laughter they pass along it feels like it was just mediocre and Mak did not have a sense of being more than a friend.

Since the incident that Rick always send sms to Mak Mak, but that time has no sense whatever to Rick because at that time the hearts of Mak is not alone, there is someone who already fill the recesses of his heart. For Mak that time there hasn't been a man capable of replacing it because to Mak man is the best choice of his heart, he is a man of idamannya, he is the ideal man to ever type he encountered. The man is perfect for Mak, both of whose behavior or attitude, his son is very polite and never denied his parents ' orders.

But the situation did not last long, Mak and his heart devotion men ceased to communicate long because male fetish of hearts mobile Fitria lost. Day change days have passed without any Mak communications between them both, nostalgia Mak to the fetish of hearts are getting bigger but Mak is not able to do anything because the man the time of adoration in her heart was working out of town and they both rarely meet, occasionally bump into walls may be briefly once. Nor do they ever have a chat together and only able to look at each other from a distance only.

Gradually accustomed without Mak Man npujaan his heart and slowly starting to forget men Mak adulation of his heart that, when it was deserted and Mak disappointed. Rick suddenly revealed his heart to Mak, Rick ventured to express his heart to Mak kepeda Mak sense because unfortunately getting bigger and he's getting encouragement from his friends.

That afternoon Mak just selesa bath.

Kringg ... ... ... ... .... kringg ... ... . . kringg ... .... .

Fitria: Hello,, Assalam alaikum. Why Har?

Rick: waalaikumsalam. GAK papa, you again why?

Fitria: abis bath,

Rick: I want to say something honest same with you.

Fitria: what??

Rick: I ventured the same kayak gini mgomong you because I often diejekin the same temen-temenku and I actually I've long harbored this same taste you, "explained Rick".

Fitria: guess what?? " Mak asked curious. "

Rick: I same like you tu, tu ye man clever but not arrogant, ye tu man what it is. I dah lama like same you but it seems to me the most appropriate moment to reveal it now, you would not so my boyfriend, "explained Rick again."

Fitria: (her temple shrunk and he was surprised), I don't believe "said his heart".

Rick: Fit....... "Rick called out".

Fitria: haaa .... yeah, before I'm sorry ya Har, I haven't been able to receive you because I have yet to be courting the same my mom, sorry Yes Har "clearly Mak".

Rick: no papa, an important, I dah ventured to express my feelings to you. Ya kalo dah ' so thanks yaa .... "replied Rick".

MAK: Yes .... once again I'm sorry ya Har, "pinta Mak".

Rick: Yes dah samikum,

MAK: kumsalam,

MAK close telphonnya with full of doubt, it is not possible to say like Rick Mak.

MAK refuses because he doesn't believe Rick when Rick turns out to be like him, in addition is still not Mak could forget his heart and devotion to a man he did not want to find a successor.

But the effort doesn't stop until Rick was here, he insisted to be able to get the hearts of Mak. Every night Rick always send sms to Mak, though something said only little things but it is meaningful to Rick. It felt so glad if Rick can always know doin Fitria despite only via sms. Rick still eagerly waiting for Mak to Mak realized how big his love at the Mak, in Rick also constantly trying to say hi Fitria although greeting it just be little things. Although sometimes the Mak is not acknowledged and just smile to Rick but it does not make a desperate, Rick

follow me @rantymaria

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