Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks ( Prize Fund 2000 SBD ) Week #3

in #steemitultimatechallenge7 years ago (edited)
Hello all friends steemians! My name is Norka Moran, I am 38 years old. I live in Maracaibo (State Zulia). I'm a Petroleum Engineer and I work as a teacher at the Bolivarian University of Venezuela. I married with William Carrasquero known in steemit as @williamjose and mother of two beautiful children William and Guillermo. I met Steemit through my neighbors @maeugenia and @edurley, they told me about what the platform was about, and I joined in August of 2017.

Now I want to tell you a little about my life before steemit!

I live in Venezuela in a city called Maracaibo, Venezuela, as you know, is an petroleum country and for that reason I wanted to study petroleum engineering to work in PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela) one of the most important oil industries in the world. After high school I made the procedures to enter the University of Zulia, one of the public universities of my country. I wanted to apply for a scholarship, but unfortunately I did not get it because of the high student enrollment, but I said to myself, it does not matter, and I looked for it by another municipality of state Zulia where there was another space of the same university and there if they granted me the scholarship.
I had to travel almost every day 2 hours to get to the university, my parents only covered me the expenses of the passage, but every day my desire to be a professional person made me short the trip and I did it for 5 years. In the year 2002 in Venezuela there was a very important event, an oil strike that originated to seek the exit to the government of Hugo Chavez, this strike consisted in the paralysis of activities in PDVSA and I then finished my engineering studies. That situation became very difficult and in the middle of it I get my undergraduate degree as a Petroleum Engineer. My intention was to work in the industry but because of this I could not enter and among many things I got the opportunity to work as a teacher for the Bolivarian University of Venezuela better known as UBV.

Without thinking twice I decided to work at that house of studies to which I belong today, I am a teacher in the hydrocarbon area, there I learned many things, especially to transmit knowledge because I did not prepare myself for that. I had the opportunity to do my postgraduate studies in Environmental Geology and I also had the experiences of participating together with the students in some social events, such as donations to medical centers (Hogar Clinica San Rafael Maracaibo Edo. Zulia) and donations to victims of the heavy rains that have occurred in Venezuela. In this way, the students acquire a commitment to the community and the environment. I also got married and I had two beautiful children.

And now yes! How I met steemit?

I met steemit through my neighbors @edurley y @maeugenia, I always heard them talking about the same thing, and that really did not generate any interest. They explained to me that there I could load any content and besides that I could get some remuneration. They insisted that I join steemit and I told them I did not have time and that I also did not know how to write very well to be able to see myself well as many users. They responded, that it did not matter, that little by little I would learn and that maybe there would develop some talent that could have hidden. I did not have any other alternative but to pay attention to them and in August of 2017 I applied to be a member of Steemit.

Fuente @edurley

I told my husband to register too, and I started writing one of my first post that was my introduce, I was curious about the money that was going to generate the post. I uploaded the post, while the minutes passed I saw that its value increased very fast and the comments of welcome were not slow to arrive. I felt important because I realized that people were reading the content and at the same time it seemed a very curious social network. So I kept loading other post, but this time I did not run with the same luck with the payment, I was a little discouraged and I was like two months without activity on the page.

I did not change the sbd I had collected in the post, I did not think that the money could help me cover some expenses, because for us, Venezuelans, the economic situation we are going through is extremely difficult, (sometimes I think that my husband and I do magic to cover some expenses in the home), today the monthly payment is not enough for the three-day meal, sometimes I feel that it has not been of any use to have tried so hard to obtain my degrees, this is one of the reasons why I joined steemit.

One afternoon in December of 2017 I ask my neighbors to change the 10 sbd bolivares I had saved, One afternoon in December of 2017 I ask my neighbors to change the 10 sbd to bolivares I had saved, that afternoon I will never forget it, when she told me how much money I had earned (10.000.000 bs) I was dumb, I thought I was kidding, I could not believe it. My husband was open-mouthed, he never believed in this, he always told me "you are crazy how are you going to believe that this is so" and after this, he, like me, we work daily on the page, since then we do not we take off from the computer. For me this money is a blessing (I see it that way) and I enjoy it with my family buying the food we need, and with this we can also help with our parents' food.

My life after steemit

Although the work schedule absorbs me a lot, I always dedicate part of my time to creating the posts, (now I dedicate more time to steemit than to the university), I enjoy and entertain a lot to participate in the contests because they are also paid, I involve my husband and children to contribute ideas and help with the work, so much so, that my children arrive from school and ask what new task they must do for steemit.

Steemit has become part of me, at home we do not stop talking about the jobs that are loaded there, they educate us, it takes away a little stress, it leaves us with new learning and it is also a job that generates income. My husband and I do not miss a "meet up steemit" we are almost always supporting the community. As it has helped us a lot, we also recommend it to our friends (some of them are: @ gfs.gabriel, @netcy, @carilloisa, @gabrielaa, @elisaulp and many more) so that they with their talent participate and can create another benefit.

I must thank the users who take the task of reading and do some healthy reflection on what is written, you always learn from it. Thankful to my neighbors for this great gift, grateful to all who have supported me and happy to belong to the Steemit community.

By @norkamoran

Participate in the contest in the following link

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STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63747.71
ETH 2543.33
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66