Steemit Ultimate Challenge Week 6: Never Give Up

I must confess, writing a 1000 or more words for the third time isn't quite an easy task and if there's one thing I've learned from participating in this challenge, it is the act of patience and the ability to never give up.
After putting in my all during my first and second attempt, I felt really discouraged and heart broken when my effort wasn't acknowledged..

Well, maybe I didn't put in my all, so here I am again, only this time, bringing my life to bare for the upteenth time.

About The Steemit Ultimate Challenge

The Steemit Ultimate Challenge is a challenge organised by @dobartim with the aim to recollect, how Steemit has positively changed your life since joining the platform. Your story is supposed to be intriguing as well as inspiring for others to learn from. So, if you have a story to tell about your Steemit journey, bring it on, here.
Thanks to @dobartim for this initiative.
Read more about it here

Brief Introduction

My name is Juliet Israel and I'm the second child of seven. I'm a Nigerian and also a graduate of Accounting and Finance. Unlike every other graduate, finding your feet even after successfully graduating can be sometimes, frustrating and difficult.
When I graduated and completed my one year compulsory service in a far away state, I almost didn't want to return home for fear of being ridiculed for not having a job and having to depend on my parents for sustenance.

The realities of having to sit at home, do nothing and feed from my parents was hurting.

Being the first graduate in the family, you are saddled with a lot of responsibilities.

Siblings looking up to you for support and parents feeling like you're useless after spending their hard earned money on you with nothing to show for it.

I stayed away from home for months, starving and of course, looking for a greener pasture.

It was not until I was at the verge of dying of starvation that I finally decided to swallow my pride and return home.

Steemit Journey

It was a beautiful evening when I had just received tutorials from someone on an online platform.

I needed some clarification on some specific areas so I decided to send the person a private message asking him a few questions.

I'm naturally fond of appreciating people who have blessed me in a way either directly or indirectly.

I first aknowledged and appreciated him for being so detailed in his teaching and went ahead to ask my question.

He was happy someone appreciated his effort and went ahead to compliment that I had good writing skills and I could make a fortune out of it.

I was interested and eager to know more and since he wasn't on Steemit, he introduced me to a group....STEEMBEES community on Whatsapp where I got clarification on what Steemit is and I finally joined.

Life On Steemit

I must emphasise that life on Steemit hasn't been all rosy. It took real hard work and consistency for me to get to where I am now.

After my introductory post, I made other posts and almost all of them paid out $0.00.

It was so disheartening for me and I contemplated giving up.

I talked to @tony-duke who encouraged me never to give up.

Consequently, I started churning good contents on a daily basis and today the story is different.

I may not earn up to $100 on a post but at least I don't get $0.00 at payout on my posts anymore.

How Steemit Changed My Life

I've had several encounters with people and I've gleaned substantial information from this platform. I'll be sharing few of the many ways Steemit changed my life.

I became bolder

Before I joined Steemit, I was this very shy and reserved person. Never connecting with people, always alone etc.
But when I joined, after understanding the importance of connection, I started making connections with people and stopped being so much of an introvert.

I can say, Steemit has helped me overcome shyness...sort of.
I've met a couple of persons from Steemit offline simply by connecting and making friends.
*Life is all about making connections

My Love For Singing

I've always loved singing even before I joined Steemit, but being a shy person, I never came out in the open.

But after joining Steemit, I listened to a lot of people who kept asking me to enter singing contests and I did.
The recent one was that of @dobartim's All Stars Competition.

I never in the world thought I'd win.
I put up my entry and surprisingly, made the win.
This was like a milestone for me as it became like a dream come true.

I've always imagined myself in a singing competition and becoming the winner.
Steemit made it possible and brought my dreams to reality.


I mentioned that, after my introductory post, all I got from my posts were $0.00. But I stayed put. I remained consistent and kept dishing out good contents everyday which eventually paid off.


If there's one thing I've learned from Steemit, especially from this #steemitultimatechallenge, it is patience.

Patience is the ability to hold on for a very long time.
I stayed right on Steemit even when I was getting 0 payouts. I'm writing a 1000 word for the 3rd time even after my 2 failed attempts because of patience that in the end, I will eventually win..

Never Give Up

Another thing I've learned on steemit is to never give up despite the struggles you go through.

If I had given up when I got 0 payouts, I wouldn't be here to experience whatever payouts I'm having now.

If I had given up on my first attempt on the #steemitultimatechallenge, I wouldn't be here to tell my story for the 2nd and now the 3rd time.

Life is all about holding on, staying put. Never giving up.

And to succeed on Steemit, you must never ever give up.

The people who are whales today didn't become whales all of a sudden.

It took consistency, diligence, patience and the ability to stay put to thrive.

Steemit Positivity

I am not perfect but I'm working towards being perfect.
I love singing , though I'm not the best.

I wish to pursue a singing career, probably get a guitar or something.

Though, this is only a wish, I hope it comes to reality as it'll go a long way in setting the pace for my music career.

I do hope to win this competition as it'll go a long way in fulfilling my dreams.

One of which is to buy my dad a car
Send my sister to a medical school
Start my farming business or get myself the musical instrument needed to kick start my music career.

My dreams are many, I know but with a little win, I could achieve this.

It may take a while, but it'll come to reality.

Thanks once again @dobartim for this wonderful opportunity.
I didn't know how or where to start again but I hope I did fine by you with this.



Wow... they say experience is the best teacher. And patience is a virtue. Kudos for not giving up. Atleast you've given people like us hope that there's light at the end of the tunnel

Thanks a lot.

I'm glad I didn't give up and I'm even "gladder" you could be motivated by this.
Much Love

Hey @julietisrael, your determination is quite remarkable. Keep on doing your best, your reward is on the way.

Thanks a lot @essential
Determination is one paramount key to succeeding here

Wishing you all the best as you participate in the #steemitultimatechallenge, and if there is one thing steemit has taught me is patience, it hasn't paid yet but we still hanging in there hoping for that big breakthrough.
Best i can do for now is an upvote, and a wish you make it to the top. SteemOn!

Thanks so much.

I'm only seeing this comment today.
Well, I didn't make it, but I'm participating again.
Hopefully, I win this time....

Thanks once again for your awesome comment.

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