Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #7 My Entry

This will be my one and only entry into @dobartim Steemit Utimate Challenge, I just couldn’t lose the opportunity to participate and let you know a little about my Steemit venture.

Well it all started out in a random way, by the month June of 2016 I had been looking at all of the marketing opportunities out there and I had tried a few, of course my main problem has always been that I am from and live in Honduras and payment processors don’t pay out to people in this country, we can buy but we can’t get paid. But then I found out that with Payoneer you could validate a Paypal account, receive money and withdraw it at any ATM with the Payoneer card, so I got the card and I started getting some money into my Paypal account, but I tried to get $20.00 from an ATM, I didn’t get it but it was deducted from my Paypal account. So I lost that money and I still had some money in that account, since I couldn’t withdraw it I started buying e books, one of them was called Steem Cash and it was about Steemit.

Well one day a couple of months later I actually read the e book and signed up to Steemit, but that was it, I activated my account but did nothing else, I had by this time already heard about Bitcoin but was not interested at all in crypto.Still I would go to my account and look around and somehow I was able to see a post by @dollarvigilante where he stated he had made $15,000.00 with one post, that got my attention so I wrote my introductory post.

Now I wasn’t that keen to use Steemit because I have never been a writer or a blogger, but with that article I just thought I could make it big here and expected something good off of my first post, unfortunately it only made about $0.30, and then to top it off I got flagged by someone who was flagging all introductory posts so all I got was about $0.20. So that certainly discouraged me, and I took leave once again. But at the end of 2016 I started writing some more, I never got over $1.00 for an article but I was adding up some SP in my account.

Then came March 2017 and Steem dropped to about $0.08 and again I got discouraged, but after a few days I noticed that with Steem at such a low price I could power up faster so that is what I did.

I did get to have about $700.00 worth of Steem Power but then I got into some financial Straits and powered down and got my money out and this is the first thing that Steemit has done to change my life. I actually got money from an internet source that helped me get out of a problem. So at last I was sure that a person could make money on the internet,

This was a great feeling but by now my Steem Power was depleted and I started thinking of how to get it up again, but this time I actually have a plan, as I always get into money problems I figured the solution was to use the 50/50 option and have the SBD or Steem ready to be cashed out at any time and not touch my SP again just be adding to it whatever Steem I can get from my posts, this is what I am doing and I have some SP now, just a little but it grows every day.

Now I already told you I had never written anything, not even when I was in school, I was always bad at this. And this is where Steemit has really done something, I now write with the knowledge that I can express what I feel without any worries, which is what I do, I write about what I feel like every day, I have no niche, I just write. Maybe I knwo I am no more than a mediocre writer, but on Steemit I have learned not to care about that, I just post my articles and in the few minutes that they are visible I have had the pleasure of receiving feedback on my posts, not that much, and of course not all of it positive, but all feedback is good.

So I think Steemit has been the force that has made me somebody who can now express his feelings and ideas on an article without fear and with the knowledge that regardless of whether I am right or wrong I have put my ideas out there for all to see.
Also it has opened my eyes to the crypto world, in fact the first thing I do these days before even going to Steemit is open CMC and see how the crypto prices are for the day.

Well that has been my path with Steemit, I am sure I can expect better moments ahead, and of course apart from what I have written above, Steemit has also given me the hope that someday I can make it big with my articles and can eventually make a full time living here. Of course this will be difficult and it depends on many factors, like if I improve the quality of my posts, if I can get more active followers, if I can catch the eyes of a few whales, if Steem’s price goes up and a lot of other factors. But certainly Steemit has given me the opportunity to think there are better things ahead, not only for me but for evry person that is involved with this platform.

Thank you @dobartim for hosting this contest which gives us the opportunity to interact with a lot of people who share similar interests. And good luck to all who participate and may the best entry win.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 63813.23
ETH 3435.53
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.44