Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #5 My Steemit expirience

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Hello, my name is Christina Rendón, it is difficult to express my life in one thousand words but I will try it. I'll tell you the most exciting parts of my short life before Steemit.

I am Venezuelan, born in El Tigre, I lived in Guárico state for 16 years. At that time, Venezuela was at the peak of the economy, it was a country in progress, and we, the Venezuelans, had a great future.

A long time ago, I decided to study Social Communication, I love everything that has to do with writing. From very young my life was only simplified in letters. I liked expressing my written feelings more than they talked, I think you can understand yourself better that way. I imagine that for this reason many journalists devoted themselves to writing books, such is the case of Gabriel García Márquez, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, who with his work "The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor", I realized that I should be a social communicator . This chronicle is an exaltation to journalism, and I have no doubt that this book was one of the many that impel me to study my career.

This is why I moved to the city of Maracay, Aragua state, the well-known "Garden City". It would be a lie if I told them that Venezuela was not beautiful, because it was beautiful. His landscapes, his people, his food, everything was very beautiful; I say "was", because little by little it has been submerged in neglect and forgetfulness, the vast majority of Venezuelans have decided to emigrate and with them a great part of their talent leaves Venezuela in search of a better quality of life.

Now, in those years my life (as like many people), was a little simpler. As a 17-year-old girl, I only thought about graduating and achieving my dream: Being a journalist and having a big family. The subjects I loved, I found fascinating everything related to audiovisual, writing and journalism.

After a long time, approximately in the 6th semester, I had to make a video for a subject, and it turns out that one of my classmates took several friends to help us, we finished the video, and well, it should be noted, it came out excellent , the teacher was delighted with the material, but I always remember a phrase that told me: "Being a journalist is something you are just born with", and he was absolutely right, not everyone can be a journalist, he has to have a vocation and heart.

Years passed, I graduated, and I had to return to my city, because my father was very sick, he was diagnosed with metastasis and he was very ill; so leaving everything behind I had to start from scratch again. I had a hard time adapting to my new life, I felt I was going backwards, I did not have a good job, but my desires for stability went further, so do not stop trying.


After 2 years I got a job in an electric company. Although some working conditions were not optimal, I liked my place of work very much. My classmates were spectacular, and I was doing what I liked the most, writing.

Surprisingly, I got one of the guys who had helped us in that video a long time ago. But, what chances are there in the world that you get that person you met 4 years ago, in another land, working in the same place as you ?, Only God does those things, and well, as I read there: " If two people are destined to be together, they will find themselves at the end of the road, even after a thousand obstacles. " Anonymous

So we started our love story, they'll tell me I'm very corny, but unfortunately for a long time I'm a hopeless romantic. After a year, we got married and had our first daughter, Sarah Christina, and sadly my dad could not meet her because she died two months before she was born.


My dad. Author @chrisrendon

After two years my son, Esteban, was born, and soon things got a bit complicated, my Mom died and with a deep pain I knew that there was nothing that would tie me to that city. I did not have a large family, so my husband and I decided to move to his hometown, San Fernando de Apure.

There we counted on the help of his family (mother, brother, aunts, uncles, grandmother), but it was not easy. My boss did not want to give me the transfer to there, and after much thought and put things on the balance decided to resign, because between the harassment of my boss, the obligation to write something that I do not believe and poor remuneration by of the company were enough reasons not to continue there anymore.

We came to San Fernando, and things got a bit complicated, when a group of people arrived our home and they get into the house to steal and took away a lot of the things we had. Yes, yes, we were going through a rough patch, but everything will be overcome if they have God in the first place, so a little later our third little angel, Elías Enoc, arrived, many say that getting pregnant with the situation in the country is complicated, because I will tell you that where one eats two and three and when it is God's blessing we can not complain because there are many families with a lot of money without having children, so my husband and I try to fight every day to keep our dream and our family .

But then the economic situation of the country consumed us, the minimum wage was 300 bolivars and a tooth cream comes out in 200 bs, a sugar comes out in 220 bs, and so all the necessities are impossible to buy, and every day increasing a lot more. Eating in this country is a blessing, food is a luxury, this is why my husband had to look for other alternatives.


My life after Steemit:

Among many of the things we did was: sell milk, cheese, salads, until at some point my husband got to do taxi; He is an engineer and was still working in the electric company, but his salary was not even enough to buy a cookie pack for the children. Sadly here in Venezuela, whatever you do for a living, it does not help you, everything is over, if you have a business, the situation plunder you, if you have a farm, somebody rob you or can kill you, any business here goes bankrupt. My husband had to give up his job because for what he was paid, 8 dollars a month, working more than 12 hours a day we seemed to lose time and never shared with family, besides that outside the company we could make more money than inside, and without having any boss; so looking and looking for some friends of my husband told him about Steemit and how he changed his life. Seeing this we decided to ask, how was that fabulous social network and they told us that by publishing quality content you receive votes and with them reward.

My husband knew about criptomomedas since he is currently dedicated to that, so since I had a lot of time without putting my passion into practice, we decided to enter. When writing my first post I felt too happy, since I went back to doing what I like, and for me it is super natural, and my husband had already opened his own some time ago.

We are fully dedicated to Steemit, we can say that we plan to grow more and more. We read about everything related to this network in order to have more knowledge. We already have plans to have a community here in Apure.

This social network has become part of us, not only do we post to be voted, we do it so that they read us, to have friends around the world, to say what we think. Steemit goes much beyond making money, it is a big family, it is a connection with the world, it is a way of seeing life differently, it is a job without bosses, without pressure, without ties, you are your own boss, you put your schedules and conditions, and even better I do it at home and take care of my children, I do not have the need to lose a minute of their growth. So together my two passions, my family and my career, so I could achieve that dream that I had when I was 17 when I went to study is closer.

I have met very interesting people in this platform, with very clear goals and that have helped me to draw mine, they have implemented ways to know us better and support us, such as @thewrinttesalt and @lanzjoseg, who have taught me that Success is achieved little by little, but with dedication and perseverance. As in all work you have to study and investigate, and this is what I do to learn more about this medium and to publish my articles. As a journalist I have a duty not to plagiarize and copy anything, since I respect the author's right. For this day and day I try harder to publish quality and interest notes.

It is difficult to leave the city where you lived most of your life, but it is more difficult to leave your family to leave your country to start again from scratch, this is why I see in Steemit a solution to the problems that me and my people is going through. I tried to talk to anyone about this network, so that I know everything that steemit offers us.


My treasures. Author @chrisrendon

Steemit has changed our lives, we can already stay with family, and I am doing what I like the most, "Being a journalist", something that as my teacher used to say: I have been inside of me since I was born.

Finally I want to thank @dobartim for this interesting and satisfying contest. It is a unique opportunity.

To find out more about the contest click on the link


Excellent Post, but sad .... All the same, the past is gone already. You are welcome to Steemit (The best site ever!). I can see you have got a huge talent to offer, you are welcome, and this is a bonus for both parties (You and the Platform)

For multi-talented gifts like you. Chose your niche; I'm happy you have got one (Niche) already. Post daily and earn by having more amazing friends daily; Also, some token awaits you. To be candid, we need you in here.

As a multi-talented blogger, whose exceptional experience is amazing, I would like to share my daily post featuring different niches of blogging. I always claimed STEEMIT is made for me because I'm capable of giving out different services to help grow this platform.

I play football, sing, draw and act comedy. More than that, I’m an expert at drawing, writing, and doing voice-overs.

Help Support My Projects!

If you would like to support my projects and/or my ideas and vision, then that shows the tendency of your love for STEEMIT. For the future of the Steem platform, I would greatly appreciate you viewing my blog daily.

Casting your vote will be appreciated: When you get there, feel free to decide, either to Upvote, Comment or Resteem.


Hola Cristina, saludos desde Valencia.

Hola! Saludos!!! XD

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