Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks: Week #4 @dobartim

in #steemitultimatechallenge7 years ago (edited)

How steemit changed my life.

First of all i want to thank @dobartim for organizing this contest.

I am interested in every topic of steemit especially about life, art, photos, travel, food and videos here in steemit.


I never thought I would find a better opportunity here in online specially steemit. Aside from always playing online games spending too much time without anything in return just to play games. Suddenly I found steemit with the help of my friend because of him I found a better opportunity here by spending my time and it is worth it because by posting a blog I earn money it is a good start for me from online gamer turns into blogger.

i heard a lot of kindness thing of @dobartim there's a lot people who support him and there's a lot of people changes there lives by steemit.

Since i found steemit there's many articles i read and this is the way i earn while posting my blogs.

No more online games. My usage of Facebook becomes less and less as days pass by.

Suddenly, my dreams came alive and closer to reality since I joined Steemit. I am dreaming of buying our own home, a business, a car. With Steemit my goal of helping my sisters, brothers, nieces and my mother will become reality sooner or later.

My financial anxiety starts to fade since I joined Steemit.

All-in-all Steemit improves all aspects of my life. Let’s make 2018 a Steemit year. Good luck to us all and God Bless to each and every one on the planet.

My story of maintaining my sexy body lol

You know you should get to the gym. You know that if you don't the guilt will consume you the way you did that cupcake. But the thing is, you really, really don't want to.

We know that struggle all too well, so we've compiled a few tips that will help you get off the couch and into your trainers


WE LIKE THE IDEAof being fit just as much as the next girl, but there are just so many things we'd rather be doing. For insatance:

Eating chicharon and suka
Having a few too many glasses of redwine
Eating what we bake
Chilling on friend's couch with a bag of chips
Watching a horror flick (with buttered popcorn)
Planning our next vacation
Sleeping in
Contemplating life as beyonce

The list goes on. But exercise-whether it's to bust your belly fat or just to live a healthier life in general-should be an important part of everyone's everyday life.

But we also known that, besides being a wildly tedious activity, it can also be an expensive one. So in this chapter, we put together our tips and tricks on keeping your muscles tight on an even tighter budget.

Work out with your friends. they'll make things fun and help you keep your eye on the prize when putting on your track shoes is the last thing you want to do.
Power through. Once you get into the flow of regular workouts, you'll feel gross when you skip a session.
Think about the post-workout. Our favorite part exercising is the breakfast that comes after.
Know what you want. Are you working out for strength? Weight loss? Endurance? General health? That way, you'll get on that treadmill with purpose.
Find the workout that works for you. You're obviously never going to be a marathoner if running bores you to tears.
Never use "I don't have time" as an excuse. That collective 15 minutes you spend on Instagram? Devote it to a quick jog instead. It doesn't have to be hardcore, it just has to be active.
Get yourself a great workout playlist. There isn't anybody who can sit still while Love On Top is on.
Ditch the baggy t-shirt. Attitude is half the battle, and nothing says game time like a cute gym outfit.

Life's Decisions and the Will of God

A young man took a job at an orange packing plant because nothing else seemed to be available at the time. All day along he sat at a conveyor belt and sorted or angles into one of three bins according to their size: small, medium or large.

All day along it was the same thing small, medium of large.
A friend commented, "you absolutely have one of most boring jobs in the world- nothing to do except sit there and put oranges in box." :No," countered the young man. "It is very tiring, but not boring. Decisions, decisions, decisions- it's the decisions that tire me out."

Can you relate to that?
Life is full of decisions.

A generation ago life was a great deal more simple. If you went into a restaurant and ordered a hamburger and a cola, that's exactly what you got. But order the same thing today and you get asked: "What kind of a cola do u want? Regular, decaffeinated, diet or cherry?"

"How do you want your hamburger? Rare, medium or well-done (burnt-offering style)?"
"And what kind of a bun would you like? Wheat, white, rye or sourdough?"
You feel like saying, "Look, you're not my mother,and i don't have to answer all those questions. I just want a hamburger and a cola."

Are We Entitled to "Happy"?

Like a beautiful sunset that gradually fades into dusk, happiness is usually momentary and fleeting. Has our culture placed far to much emphasis on happiness. as a "right" which we deserve ? Have we bought into the mentality that God owes us a chunk of happiness, and if we aren't happy, Then it's his fault?

Most people feel that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, are rights which everyone should have, guaranteed by both God and government.

But are they really? I've be thinking a good deal about happiness be the goal of every single living in a couple's world?
I've been asking myself how happy some of God's choices servants were whose lives are chronicled by both scripture and history.

Can't We just Be Friends?

"There are 'friends' who pretend to be friends, but there is a friend who stick closer that a brother."


Relationships are important. But in many cases, reaching out to someone as a person, as a friend, is interpreted as a sexual invitation-something you never in tended. Question: Is it possible to establish non-romantic friendships with members of the opposite sex? Must all of your real friends be of the same gender as you?

In dealing with this subject, let's first take a look at what friendship is about and then go on to gender specifics.



Very good post today my friend, keep up for success <3

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