Learning To Accept-100 Days of Poetry Challenge: Day Seventy Five


Learning to Accept

I wished to write a piece
that motivates,
that brings release,
but today my brain
will not comply,
with how I feel,
I cannot lie,
this heaviness,
I feel inside,
it daunts at me,
it wrings me dry,
of all the words
I wished to bring
I struggle now
with everything,
Today I wish
to feel the breeze
to feel the hope
to be at ease,
but life
is not always
as it seems,
and today
my emotions
the motion
of how,
my creative self
will flow,
I really
just need
to accept
and let it go.

Image Source:
1st Image:http://lindajomartin.com/art-fear-review/
2nd Image:https://tinybuddha.com/blog/one-thing-need-change-to-accept-yourself/


I consider myself to be a intermediate poet.

Thank you @d-pend for creating this challenge and allowing me to take the time daily to be creative and expressive. I am really happy to have made it this far. I have never had any input with my poetry before, it has always come straight from my heart, on to paper and more recently here on to steemit

Check out this great challenge here: https://steemit.com/steemitschool/@d-pend/announcing-the-steemit-school-poetry-100-day-challenge
Join the steemit school on discord https://discord.gg/q9VEn5n



Love poetry. I appriciate your working regarding poetry challange

My husband used to tell me “Just go with the flow”, which of course only made me resist more.

There are times we need to resist, but I’ve wasted so much time in my life trying to control the current instead of letting it carry me. It’s a common reaction for those who experienced some sort of childhood trauma. It’s hard to trust anyone or anything.

thank you @firststeps, I am learning everyday and this challenge has really helped me manifest what I wish to happen in my life x

I know that kind of days, luckily everything is passing by... I actually woke up and cried today to be really honest. I don't cry very often, but today when I woke up I just felt I need to move away from this city, this environment and continue on my journey somewhere else. I feel that I get stuck here, and same for my loving partner, he also gets stuck and we repeat what we do, but don't move further. So after I told him this in the morning, I started sorting out belongings and threw much away. We need to free ourself from stuff and start to move. Life is to short to just care about the comfort.

Haha, ok I think I need to write another post about this, not letting everything here in the comments!;)

Much Love!

thank you Niina, please do write more I love to read your truth xx

I will write some about that tomorrow;) Promise!!

You are doing so well in this challenge. So proud of you!

Thank you so much Sharoon, that really really means a lot to me xxx

This is really excellent. Also be gentle with yourself. Totally ok to be right where you are. Totally ok that you're not flowing or accepting. It will come. Love you.

thank you mama, I know trust and let go, I write all this to help me along my way, love you too xx

You hit 60!!!!!!!! Youre doing an amazing job moving yourself through intense stuff.

Beautiful surrender to yourself. That is respect. However, his being does not leave at any time and this poetry apparently disconnected, is a beautiful construct. Good work, poet!

thank you @zeleiracordero, I really appreciate you taking the time to come over and give me some feedback xxx

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