SteemitSchoolPoetry: Congratulations with the Start!

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)


A great idea for all poets of Steemit community!

It was so inspiring for me that I was going to enter it, because this is a real challenge - 100 days of poetry! So many participants, so high speed, who can get to the end?

I was full of decision to take this challenge, and I made all conditions to enter this contest, and I even was trying to write some poems in English, and I even was about to make the first post with the first poem, but when I had a fresh look at it, I understood that it's too poor-(

I read too many perfect poems of @d-pend and other Steemit authors, and now I have definite aesthetic taste for poetry and I see that my own poems are far from it-)

English is a foreign language for me and I can't express all I can and want using it. Yes, according to the rules, authors can write in their mother tongue, but after translation the magic, the rhyme and rhytm of poetry is lost, and again - non-perfect English doesnt let me translate it as bright as it is in the original, so I have decided to stop torturing my readers' eyes-)


self-criticism is an important skill too!-)

I was disappointed at first, but then I realized that it's better to understand it now then to start and have no chance to go till the end.

Now it's my victory, but then it would be my fail.

Why? Because every person should do what he likes and what he can do reaaly WELL.

A fish can't fly even if it has passion to it-)


New skills are great but you must feel not only passion but strength to get them, in this case I had only passion, but my intuition said it would be too hard, because it's not my way.

My way is being a reader of poetry but not its creator-)

Poets write poems for readers, so I stay in this very contest but just from another side - from a readers' one!

Nevertheless, GOOD LUCK to all participants !
I will follow and read your masterpieces!

and P.S.

This is my very first try. it is light and funny, don't take it too serious)

Steemit s my home,
It gives me the Sunlight,
Steemit gives me Hope,
I'm ready for the flight!

Daniel has an idea,
That I am happy to follow,
Inside there is some fear,
But no place for sorrow!

Knowledge is power,
It gives us a chance,
It blooms like a flower,
And help in advance.

Get the experience,
Develop new skills,
If your soul is sick,
Then it's better than pills!

Thanks to @dobartim, @d-pend and the rest,
You give inspiration
For this Poetry Fest!!

Join SteemitSchool in Discord


Yeah good jOb by you you have done the all hard work tO complete the task congratulations

to leave comments without reading is a bad habit))

hahahah Good catch (Y)

I must say, not a bad start :)
I liked the below one.

  • Steemit gives me Hope,
    I'm ready for the flight!

At-least someone is hoping for best and ready to fight. Keep the hopes high :) All the very best :)

Really it is a great idea of @d-pend. Creative contest with poetry is helpful to express our creativity through this contest. @taliakerch, your poetry just awesome writing with steemit. Really steemit may be sunlight for our life if we are active here with patience and hard working. Thank you @taliakerch .

Нормальное стихотворение получилось) А я так и не рискнула принять участие в конкурсе Добартима, хоть он меня и уговаривал, там тоже нужно было какое-то стихотворение написать))

та де там нормально)) как в 1 классе дите бы сочинило) примитивизм) не могу я тягаться с носителями языка в поэзии, там надо хороший словарный запасец иметь)
Если уговаривали, надо было рискнуть, че ты! уж вот такое что-то точно бы сваяла) меня не уговаривали, я сама влезла, но одумалась))

Куда мне рисковать - чтоб опозориться?) Я и на русском написать не смогу, а от того, что ты написала, я просто в восторге, я просто бездарь по сравнению с тобой))

это нормально пока другие не видишь, а как сравнишь - то хреново чуть больше, чем полностью))))
а канал в дискорде видела? стимитскул эта. вступала? я вступила, но общую идею пока не догнала

Не вступала, я тут с фолловером несколько дней разбиралась, а там наверное что-то еще более сложное)

A steemit poem , nice ! I’ve never thought of that ! Very innovative idea. Regarding the writing , not bad for the first time. I can only imagine how good you will get after 100 days .
Check out my entry here please .

Hi @taliakerch you are awesome. Of course I respect your decision and your reasonings! Thanks for trying your hand at poetry :-) And definitely you can still be involved just by cheerleading our participants!

You can also join to listen to any of our classes if you'd like. It's at 7 PM GMT... not sure what this time is for you or if it's inconvenient, but you are welcome, and I will post each day what the topic is for next class. Today is "What is poety?" and "What is your poetic process?"

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