'Water' - 100 Day Poetry Contest Day 64

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic minds of the @steemitschool writing community!

Today brings a close to my 4 part tribute to the 4 sacred elements - ending with the ancient sacred energy of Water.

I realize I am a day late - I had it ready yesterday but fell asleep before managing to get it posted!

Good thing really, because today I have extended the piece after reading it back so... It must not have been ready last night :)

Technically I missed the deadline - but I'm not missing a day!

I'll be back later for today's entry for Day 65.

Until then... let us remember our ancient connection, guidance and relationship with these 4 divine sacred elements that work together in perfect symbiosis each and every moment so that we may experience this glorious life on this physical plane...

They are truly magnificent.

So much Love and Gratitude to you...

Sacred Fire
Sacred Earth
Sacred Air
Sacred Water


With Love
Hart Floe Poet

100 Day Poetry Day 64 Image 1 (1).jpg


We can learn so much
From the flow of water
From the proportions
From the waves
From the movement
From the cleansing

It reminds us how to be fluid
How to let things go
How no matter what happens
You’ll get to where you need to go

71% of the Earth is made from Water.
Around 60% of the Human Body..

Is Water.

We’re blessed.
I give thanks for every glass that I drink
Every cloud I see
Every lake that I dive into
Every trip to the sea
For each drip that lands on me
Every time I water the flowers
Or stand in the shower -
Giving thanks for it’s power ~~~~

A healer
A giver
A provider of life
Transforming free

One state to the next
What’s next?

Water is life and is in everything
Yet we swim with waste
Through all our haste
Our oceans drown
As we weigh them down
So much plastic loose -
Tightening the noose...

Let’s choose.

Let’s choose to remember that Water needs
JUST AS much love, care and respect and you do..
After all..
You're pretty much mainly Water too...

Just like the Earth, The Fire and The Air,

Together they are sacred providers of life and without them
We’d Be Dead.
So let’s choose to take good care of them all -
Through Living a Life of Love Instead.

Copy of 100 Day Poetry Day 64 Image 1.jpg

Thank you as always for reading :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

All entries and images are created by me on each day as required by the rules. Loving the need to create every day to be part of this… it’s so rewarding!

Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, take classes and workshops, improve your poetry, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

All images were created by me on Canva. All photos used in construction of images are my own.


Water is life. Without it, nothing would exist.

I studied marine biology, concentrating on sharks and whales, because of my deep and abiding love for water and for the ocean.

If it dies; we die.

We cannot exist without it, and to think that we can is mere vanity.

Yes. Water is life and water is almost everything that makes up almost everything around and about us.

I love this one.

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