'Walls Shall Fall' - 100 Day Poetry Contest Day 26

in #steemitschoolpoetry7 years ago (edited)

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic minds of the @steemitschool writing community!

Yes... it's not just me who's a part of this epic journey of daily inspiration and sharing... but over 100 others too!

I am so excited and honored to be a part of THIS INCREDIBLE CONTEST devised and facilitated by the legend that is @d-pend.

I start everything I do with Gratitude... so thank you my friend for creating such an amazing contest, and thank you to everybody that also participates and supports me along the way... I got your back too y'all!!

Today's piece is inspired by past events. The restructuring of lives that occurs when unexpected Earthquakes come and break the ground on which you'd been so sturdily stood for so long...

Things change.

It's only natural.


With Love
Hart Floe Poet

100 Day Poetry Day 26 Image 2.jpg

Walls Shall Fall

Uncertainty creates quakes.
Grounds shake.
Things wobble and begin to topple.
Structures in your life that have stood tall throughout time,
Finally begin to Fail.
The Decline of the Divine.

It’s a sign.
If these structures fall so easily,
Then they weren’t built with enough stability.
When the strong winds come,
And the Earth does shift,
It will test their durability.

Maybe they were tall,
Seen for miles around -
Adored by those that saw them,
Without suspicion that they could so easily fall down.
Because they may look solid from afar,
Just come a little closer and you can clearly see the cracks,
But instead of     filling       in           the          gaps,
                                                                We    just       ignored       the             facts.

And when the time came and the structure did fall,
A shock and a sadness was felt by one and all.
But the beauty of it is,
That destruction will lead to creation.
And as one falls,
Another may rise,
Built on sturdier foundations.

100 Day Poetry Day 26 Image 1.jpg

So there we go! Another day down.

I hope you enjoyed reading this!

Thank you for your ongoing support :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

All entries and images are created by me on each day as required by the rules. Loving the need to create every day to be part of this… it’s so rewarding!

Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, take classes and workshops, improve your poetry, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

All images were created by me on Canva. All photos used in construction of images are my own.


This is something I often contemplate, seeing that I am in the middle of something like this. HHMMM!!!!

Well I hope it came to you at the right time my friend! Thank you for reading and commenting :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

When I read this I couldn’t help but think of the “great falling away” mentioned in the Bible. So many young people have left the church and many churches are folding or barely hanging on. Problem is no one filled in the cracks and honestly I think it needed to die. I’m starting to get a glimpse of what is rising from the ashes and it’s beautiful.

Yes the church is one of the structures that desperately needs to go! I agree, what we are building now during this evolution of humanity's consciousness is more beautiful than anything we've seen in a very long time!

This will be the golden age of freedom, expression, unity and advancement... it may get worse before it get's fully better but... we are healing... we are laying new foundations for incredible new structures to be built where all can live a life of decency at the very minimum!

I'm an optimist, but I can see and feel it happening and have for several years now - Now I just gotta do my bit to heal myself and ensure that I am doing all that I can to raise the vibration and through sharing myself with the world increase elevation!

Thanks so much for reading and your thoughtful comment... I am glad you enjoyed!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Very easy to understand but stays poetic.
I like how you used the imagery of the quake and it continued towards the end of the poem even talking about the cracks. Well done

Thank you I really appreciate the feedback... this one flowed nicely. The theme seemed to run through with ease!

Thanks a lot for reading and commenting. It's much appreciated :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Great post, vote deserved.

Thank you ! I appreciate the read and the comment :)

Hope you will find more you enjoy on my page!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

No problem.
Keep them flowing.

I will know how live in poetry more than write poetry.

This is a good way to live!!! Writing poetry will come more naturally after living this way :)

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Wellcome sir. Nice to read your post. Have a nice day

I loved this poem! It's actually quite similar to something I have written this week (but haven't posted). I associated that with walls around our hearts - sometimes we build very large walls and they do get destroyed; it wrecks you. At the same time, with walls down, there is plenty of room for creation and improvement - so not all is bad :)

This was written so well! I loved it.

Amazing... please send me the post when it's ready!

Yeah it may seem bad at the time when onc ewall crumbles, but it's more exciting thinking about the next one you'll build and how to make it stronger and sturdier this time :)

Thanks for your comment always Jeremy.. nice to see you here again! Sorry I've been a stranger on your page too... been a hectic month!

Will be sure to touch base there :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

"It's a sign," indeed, @hartfloe. I've always thought the surroundings speak of our own nature. I liked it a lot :-)

They do indeed! Our outer world is a reflection of our inner world - That's why it's so important that we all go and do our own personal work and healing - that will be reflected in the world around us :)

Thank you very much for reading and commenting... Glad you enjoyed it !

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

Very good, hartfloe. We seem to be channeling the same muse this morning. Come check out my new write and you will see what I mean:)

Thank you of course yes I will go and check it! Thanks for reading and commenting as always :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

So true. New life grows up from seeming death. A flower withers, the seeds fall and a new flower grows!

And so goes the beautiful ebb and flow of the Universe my friend.

It's truly beautiful!

Thank you for your reading and comment <3

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

You are welcome!🌞

Enchanted with your poetry, brother @hartfloe. It is the poetic line that I love the most because it gives wings to our intuition and creates answers to our continuous questions. Excellent work!

Aw thank you! I am glad you had a moment to come and read and really appreciate you taking the time to comment.

I hope you will continue to find inspiration here. I haven't brought my poetry to this platform yet... I'm waiting till I actually have a following!

But I look forward to doing it when I do !

I hope we will still be friends then sister!

I look forward to reading more than you too... and for sure I agree... as poets we are painters... we just use words instead of paint! Perhaps more like sculptors - as the worlds we create are 3D and can be the place we transport our audience too..

Super cool!

Much love sister!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

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