Trapped in Television - 100 Day Poetry Contest Day 16

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic minds of the @steemitschool writing community!

Yes... it's not just me who's a part of this epic journey of daily inspiration and sharing... but over 100 others too!

I am so excited and honored to be a part of THIS INCREDIBLE CONTEST devised and facilitated by the legend that is @d-pend.

Today's piece is inspired by my dislike of TV. I haven't had it in my life for a long time. I watch stuff sometimes, but I would never just have it on as something to do.

I'm back at home right now with my Mum and Sister... and the TV is always on... It's loud, and offensive, and a load of shite generally.

So this piece is dedicated to that fact haha.

Thanks for reading as always!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

100 Day Writing Contest Day 16 Image 2 (1).jpg

Trapped in Television

Television -
A home-based Prison.
A cacophony of entrancing waves,
That locks the shackles onto it’s slaves.
So many humans lost in it’s haze...
For days….
And days…….

It’s designed to successfully take over your mind.
You think that it helps you to escape the daily grind,
But really -
It’s just another integral cog that turns in that daily grind.
Loud advertisements selling you stuff you don’t need,
Appealing to the masses to get in touch with their greed.
Ears bleed as eyes are assaulted,
We have to revolt kids...
Or the tyrant will hold kids...
Trapped in that trance,
Zombified nation,
Losing the chance -
Of true liberation.
Force-fed propaganda,
Bad news,
Made up by bad people,
Fabricated lies,
That herd all the sheeple,
Into a tiny little pen -
Where they are trapped once again.
Seemingly unable to break themselves free,
From the enslavement of the TV.

100 Day Poetry Day 16 Image 1.jpg

Thanks as always for reading! Feels good to have a little rant about the TV - I'm rooting for more music and talking instead of mindless viewing rubbish on TV... wish me luck!!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

All entries and images are created by me on each day as required by the rules. Loving the need to create every day to be part of this… it’s so rewarding!
Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, take classes and workshops, improve your poetry, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

All images were created by me on Canva. All photos used in construction of images are my own.


What a fun and truthful piece :) I do stream stuff but I have not had cable in years thankfully :)

Ha thanks! Sorry I missed this! Yes I stream occasionally too when I really have some specific I want to watch... this is the smart way to watch TV! Avoiding the bombardment of advertising and loudness! <3

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

My friend, you have really become a master poet, with this kind of poet.

Aww thank you man! What kind words... that means a lot!

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

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