'Ohm' - 100 Day Poetry Contest Day 81

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic minds of the @steemitschool writing community!

Ahhh.. I'm behind!

Expect 3 entries today to make up for the weekend days I just missed. It was a very busy weekend and I had no time at all to be able to sit in silence and solace and get my entries done.

However I am going to come out of this contest with 100 new pieces - So I am dedicated to making sure that happens!

This piece was inspired by an epic moment I had on Sunday morning.

After being up all night my friend had lent me his car, so I drove to a local lake on the way home - the sun was just rising and I couldn't resist going there - I felt called.

I went to the lake-side and sat atop a stone pillar to meditate and enjoy the view...

Most of the lake was still but there were a few patches of ripples dotted across it.

I felt called to release 3 'Ohms' - So I closed my eyes, breathed deeply and then released the 3 tones, with passion and power and love...

When the third tone finally reduced to silence as the air rushed out my lungs... I slowly opened my eyes...

And when I did, I was blown away... because in just that minute or two that I'd taken to chant, the ENTIRE LAKE was now rippling and waving, the whole surface now completely vibrant and vibrating..

It was absolutely incredible... and I knew that the lake and God itself was listening and reacting to my intention and sentiment.

I felt so powerful! As if the whole lake had been at my command...

What a beautiful feeling that was.

I hope you enjoy.

Giving love and gratitude always for our sacred waters.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

100 Day Poetry Day 81 Image 2.jpg


The lake called me...
As the sun rose and touched my skin,
I felt a knowing tingle within.
I followed my heart,
As it followed the sound.
Soon I found myself,
Walking old grounds.

I made my way to the waters edge,
As close as I could get without getting wet.
I breathed deeply...
The force of life enlivened me.
I could feel the electricity...
Then I saw just how intently you were listening to me.

As I looked at the surface of the water,
Most of it lay still,
Whilst small patches waved and ruffled in the passing breeze.
I closed my eyes and felt called to chant 3 Ohms...

I breathed deeply…

And with passion and power -
the ancient tone was expressed.
I felt everything vibrating as the sound passed through me -
And out from me.
I repeated this twice more...
And when I slowly opened my eyes at the end,
I was blown away by what I saw…

In the space of just a minute,
My voice had caused a lake quake.
As the entire surface had begun to shake.
To my astonishment -
The whole lake was now rumbling,
Waving and rippling,
Not even an inch of the surface remained to be still.
The vibration had increased,
As the tone was released.
The ancient waters -
Watching me.
Washing over me.
Listening to me.
Responding to me.
Reminding me -
That I Am The Master Of It All.

100 Day Poetry Day 81 Image 1.jpg

Thank you as always for reading :)

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

All entries and images are created by me on each day as required by the rules. Loving the need to create every day to be part of this… it’s so rewarding!

Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, take classes and workshops, improve your poetry, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

All images were created by me on Canva. All photos used in construction of images are my own.


Good vibes, poet!

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