Day 28 of Steemit School Poetry: Jinxed

in #steemitschoolpoetry6 years ago (edited)

Hi Friends,

Recently, I am beginning to see quite a lot of things in me and about me. You can say I have been going through some self-discovery process. And yes, I have come to discover that I am a sad person. I take pleasure in being a sad pussy (literally) who curls up easily to her problems and sinks into them.

That said, I would like to write a poem that quite expresses how much I sulk in my own predicaments.


My buddy from Inside-Out

Like the narrow, thin bungalow between
There is a tiny crevice between happiness
And sadness.
Like Saturdays with no cupcakes and TV in it,
Laughter can go sour in the face of the morning dew.

A few inches separates a gypsy from a dwarf.
A taste of salt and you can tell tears from water.
Just a magic lamp rubbed thrice in the sweets,
And a genie ceases to be jinxed.

The road is free to sadness,
Yet, happiness is trapped between closed lips, torn
hearts and clenched fists that cage dark lines
In their palms, lines that bear resemblances to the
Sad poetic lines of

W. B Yeats
John Keat
Henrik Ibsen
Ezra Pound
e. e Cummings
T. S Eliot
Hugo Ball

The memories of these men,
Sad and obsessed with the complexities of life,
are drawn out on the poetic Broadway.
But their happy moments are caged within solitude
Of their dusty study rooms.

And there's Joy. Isn't she cute.

Happiness is jinxed
Because everyday, for the rest of its life,
It has to share a carrel with sadness.

Join Steemit School Poetry on DISCORD. And yes yes yes, I cannot but thank @d-pend and the rest of the organizers of Steem School for considering me good enough for a second time win. My excitement goes beyond words. Just knowing I have those who follow up on what I write makes me as happy as a sad person can be. Thank you. And did I forget to tell all of you that the fantasy novel thingy starts next week?


Sometimes, when I have something bothering me, I like to shut everyone out and be alone with my thoughts... It's kinda comforting

Yeah, this I understand

Dear friend, you do not appear to be following @wafrica. Follow @wafrica to get a valuable upvote on your quality post!

Alright. I will follow ASAP

I just walk to my mirror, look myself in the eye, and speak some shit into my sense...
Sleep on it, the the next morning... I glow...
Much love for your lines funmi😘

Hmmm... I should try this one day when I am terribly sad. Thanks Firstlady. You are one of a kind.

You managed to express a lot of sandness, but with humour. It’s brilliant!

I am glad you find my sadness mirthed with humor 😄

Bravo! Great poem!

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