100 DAYS OF POETRY: DAY 95 - A Prayer for The US Constitution


A Prayer for The US Constitution
By Stephen Martin

A sometimes lie is still a lie,
Even when the lines are blurred
With multiple interpretations,
The essence of the truth
Still breathes.

Chaos and disorder rule
When time unravels well made plans,
And the architects are turned
To call from the earth,
Their warnings

It is up to us to dust off the freedom
From its hiding place,
Reinstating it by admitting our faults,
Acknowledging our acquiescence
To tyrants of law.

These men and women need to go
Back to the beginning,
Back to the spirit,
Unstretch the lettering–
And mold the natural individual
Into a priority.

Governance should not be extreme,
It should be pared down
To only the necessities,
The extrapolations of social greed
Should not spoil liberty,
Let our souls create the bounty!

We must fight with everything to open
The eyes and ears of our family and friends,
Not by prying with willful fingers,
But by being unwavering in our
Devotion to the only
Manifest document
That has ever


I am a student of and ambassador for #steemschools.

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@dbartim thank you for creating #steemschool. @d-pend thank you for the initial invite. Thank you to everyone else in our community. We can manifest dreams together.

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I’m not sure if our values line up but this poem makes me think that our politics do. I was just speaking to my daughter today and we both agreed that government has way too much control.

I personally do not believe that morality, however that might be defined, can be legislated. To me individual freedom, and the responsibility that come with that, is a central theme of the Bible.

This is a very potent poem that says volumes in only 6 stanzas.

Some of my favorite lines are,
-A sometimes lie is still a lie
-The essence of the truth still breathes
-Acknowledging our acquiesces to tyrants of the law
-unstretch the lettering and mold the natural individual into a priority
-The extrapolations of social greed should not spoil liberty
-Not by prying with willful fingers

I love the physical structure of this poem, espeecially the last stanza narrowing down and emphasizing one word-hope. A statement by design.

Thank you for your in depth reading. I think there are a lot more of us out there who long to go back to our original document than the government is comfortable with us realising. 😎

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