SteemitSandwichContest Spring Potatoes Pambazo twist

At the Mexican bar I worked at they have a sandwich called the Pambazo with fries and chorizo. This is a twist on their idea, vegan style.

Cumin Coulis

This sandwich is topped with a sort of cumin coulis.

  • 1/2 Carrot
  • Tomato
  • 1/4 onion
  • sweet peppers

I roasted veggies covered in a little oil at 350 for 20 minutes. Then pureed with seasoning. Put over heat to reduce to half and meld flavor.

Spring Succotash

As the sauce thickened I used coconut oil and got my baby red potates started quartered.

After the potatoes got lightly browned I added black beans. Then Chopped pablano pepper and corn for the filler and flavor.
preheat oven to 350. Ciabatta buns and home made guac on the top bun. Add succotash and bake for 10 minutes.

I had mine with some home made vegan chili that I may post soon. But the baby red potatoes, ohh my was a good thing;)


Ya mon, looks good to me. Action packed with veggies & Spring Succotash lol.

Well done! Appreciating the vegan/vegetarian style of sandwich making more and more these days. It's so creative!

Soup and sandwich, so hearty !!

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