Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #65 ~ The Grotto Sandwich

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I'm back in the game :D

This is my first entry since Week #4, wow :D

The ingredients are le following:

-> Half loaf hollowed bread;
-> Pesto (unfortunately not home-made this time);
-> Half a tomato - sliced;
-> 1 fried egg;
-> Fried chopped 1/2 onion and a bit of chopped ginger + 2 regular mushrooms;
-> Bits of chopped down yellow + white cheese;
-> Crushed walnuts with Himalayan salt;

So, I hollowed the bread, spread pesto inside, put the slices of tomato in carefully with a tea spoon, put the bits of cheese with that same spoon, all while frying the onions, ginger and mushrooms. After the shrooms were done, I put them in as well (guess which spoon I used), sprinkled with the walnuts and fried an egg. Decided not to make it an omelette as I prefer to have the yolk of the egg spread inside. so, the egg went inside as well and in the sandwich maker it goes!

Here is the inside of the Grotto:

grotto inside.jpg

Such sandwich, much tasty!

Apologies for not having a prep picture, but my cameraman arrived when it was ready :D

PS: I hope I didn't mess up and nulled the entry haha



it seems so yummy. thanks for express its recipe. i will try the sandwich

Yummy that creation has it all, good job. I myself am rather new this being my second week. Welcome back.


hi there. witch spoon did you use...? :)

Hi :) I'll post a picture of it in the next post :D

Hey @tehshikari, a lovely creative sandwich, such a pity you forgot to reply to @jaybird's contest post with the link to yours, so he never saw it!

Yeah, I tend to do that haha

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