Steemit Sandwich Contest Week # 23- HAPPY PANINO

in #steemitsandwichcontest7 years ago (edited)

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is my entry for the #steemitsandiwchcontest launched by @jaybird
The famous HAPPY PANINO, an Italian sandwich that will make you trip balls.


This is a fusion of a panino that makes you happily stoned, replacing oregano (a common Italian spice) with marjuana, which is as much aromatic and whose element make you feel high (THC) when combined very well with fats, such as butter and olive oil.
I am Italian and in Italy we don't use sauces in our sandwiches, we use extra-virgin olive oil in a way that you don't need to cover the real flavour of each single quality ingredient.

That's it! Loud and proud, the flavour is enhanced when it is accompained by a can of Sapporo beer, the famous Japanese beer!

(the photo is dark because Happy Panino is misterious and shy and it is inviting you to make it by yourself)

It's cheap and you can find the ingredients all over the world(more or less):

  • 1 bread
  • cherry tomatoes
  • anchovies
  • marjuana
  • extra-virgin olive oil
  • chilli
  • garlic
  • salt

(Less is more)

For the countries where olive oil is considered a luxury, you can replace it with salty butter or peanuts oil.

Now, repeat after me. Take some bread.

Take some Ganja. (Not that much, let's say less than the half in the photo)

Take some cherry tomatos. Look how bellissimi they are!

Perfect, now cook slowly marjuana with some chili, garlic and olive oil. Don't burn it, but cook it enough to let the thc combine with the fat.
Then, put the oil with weed in the sandwich together with anchovies

Then, add tomatoes cut in slices

Et voila'! It's done.
No need for grill or toast it. If the ingredients are fresh and tasty, it will be very yummy like that. Less is more.

I'm sacrificing myself in the name of this contest. If I don't win a prize, I expect at least unanimous acclamation of the entire Steemit community!

Dangerous things are happening.
Edit: 2 hours have gone and I don't even know how I managed to write this post. Congrats to myself.


Haha, wow. This might be one of the most interesting SSC enteies, not to mention balliest in the history of the contest!

I can say with utter certainty besides alcohol, no one has ever gone this direction!

Welcome to SSC as well! What a great and absolutely hilarious way to make ur debut!

I’ve thoroughly enjoyed going thro this piece of work!

This Manw... or should i say Womanwich combines some great natural ingredients lol, back story n presentation!

In general, really creative and entertaining entry!


Thanks Jay. 12 hours have gone since I ate the famous HAPPY PANINO and I still see the colors vividly

Hello good entry I like the ingredients :) and the presentation.

The tomatoes and anchovies look like a great combination.

I'll leave the pot for my mom.

In or out for your Mom? Time for a trip to Vermont?

In for mom. Classic baby boomer hippie. Went to Woodstock and everything.

The stuff makes me paranoid, for some reason.

Just a bad strain, different flavors give different results. I saw Santana at Woodstock... Last summer😄 So weird to see how much they have commercialized (wankerized) the place😂

Actually, when you eat weed instead of smoking it, gives you hallucinogenic effects. You feel everything more and it last longtime! It's amazing if you eat it in the nature. No paranoia in it. Give it a try.

Sei un genio!

I shall try this sandwich minus the special ingredient.I would be on the floor otherwise.

Yummmmy!!!!! 😋

This sandwich is for the history books...

This is a beast of a sandwich ive been wanting to do a weed burger for ages i love how you cooked it with the garlic and chilli! My favourite pasta dish is spaghetti with garlic and chilli oil so im gonna stick some herb in next time its making me dribble just thinking about it :)

Thanks! I just fried garlic in the oil to give it more flavour, but I didn't put it in the sandwich :) Please be light with the portion of weed, because it gives hallucinations

You win! That's fucking awesome! I mean, as an affectuendo of the edible, I'm glad you bit this bullett so I didn't have too. Body buzz is the bestest.

I am glad too. Someone gotta do it. I have been making different versions of happy sandwiches for years now and I am perfecting the flavour. Cannabis is a perfect spice that can be used instead of salvia or origano. Also, I know in this contest there are people that make sandwiches with a ton of ingredients in it (especially Anglosaxons culturally think that the more you put in, the better it is) and that without sauce the sandwich doesn't have a soul. For Italian is a NO-NO: we separate tastes. If you have excellent ingredients (good bread, good oil dressing and good ingredients) less is more <3

Cool. The sandwich looks incredibly delicious. The only panino sandwich I've ever eaten was a semi-stale, bad imitation from a glass case in some chain coffee shop. In various countries, but not in Italy.

And your cooked weed might make it even more delicious. What was the stone like? Light or heavy?

I am feeling very high, man. For a second I thought I was back home. Eating weed gives hallucinations.

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