Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #74 - Back to School Mediterranean Mini Dagwood

in #steemitsandwichcontest6 years ago (edited)

The new school year starts this week in South Africa; excited little ones entering the big wide world for the first time, some with over-sized school uniforms as they are still so tiny for even the smallest size. Or Moms and Dads know just how fast they grow so wisely buy one size bigger, much to the little ones' disdain :)

The teens are not as excited as it means the end of going to the beach from early morning; surfing or checking out the beach babes!

But that's not what life is all about not so, there's a time for work and a time for play and in order to progress, there's a whole lot of learning to do! Of course we never stop learning do we, but we need that grounding!

My wish for 2019 is that parents will take a long hard look at what they're feeding their children.
Good nutrition means smarter children as their brains develop rapidly from an early age therefore it is vital that they eat good food to get them through the long days at school.

It's dead easy giving children money to buy lunch at school, but are school tuck shops providing nourishing food? I think not!

A plant based or Mediterranean diet focusing on vegetables, protein, and healthy fats plus avoiding highly processed foods and refined carbs are best for brain health – eggs and dairy, meat and fish can also be included in this regimen by non-vegans.

Today for our very special Manwich maker @jaybird's SSC Week#74, co-sponsored by @doitvoluntarily, I will share with you a really delicious, nourishing Back to School Mediterranean Mini Dagwood for all our vegan and carnivorous friends, the latter could do with a break from all that meat!

Thank you to both this week's host/ sponsors and all the past sponsors as well, you all rock!

Dagwood I hear you ask - yes it may not be the sky-high ones we usually see, but it is a layered sandwich filled with deliciously charred Mediterranean vegetables plus lashings of Hummus and Pesto and it is made for mini people after all!

So where did the Dagwood sandwich originate?
Of course it can only be named after the comic strip character Blondie’s husband, Dagwood Bumstead, who often made enormous sandwiches.
Image Credit


  • Bread Squares - high in fibre, born & bread in KwaZuluNatal
  • Hummus - made with Chickpeas, Tahini Paste, Lemon Juice, Garlic, Cumin, Salt & Pepper
  • Pesto - made with sweet Basil, Cashew Nuts, Olive Oil, Garlic, Nutritional Yeast, Lemon juice, Salt
  • Eggplant (Aubergine/Brinjal) sliced
  • Red Bell Pepper sliced
  • Red Onion sliced
  • Baby Courgettes sliced
  • Rocket leaves
  • Sweet Basil leaves
    Brush vegetables with Olive Oil and pan fry till a tad charred
    Now for the assembly line - get the kids to help building this mini Dagwood
    A generous layer of yummy Hummus
    Followed by Charred Eggplant
    A layer of caramelised Onions dotted with Pesto
    Followed by charred Bell Peppers dotted with more Pesto - this stuff is good, I kid you not!
    A layer of charred baby Courgettes...& you guessed right, more Pesto...
    Finally topped with Rocket and sweet Basil leaves and Hummus
    Generous layer of Hummus on second bread square which will seal the mini Dagwood
    Sliced in half revealing all the deliciousness inside
    Tied up neatly to go into the school lunch box
    And as always, a quick look for all the busy people

Qurator lizelle.png

Original Content by @lizelle
Thank you for stopping by
Comments, upvotes & resteems all much appreciated :)
Copyright @lizelle - All Rights Reserved

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone

Steem Kitchen.gif


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You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 364 (01/07/19)

Where would we be without you @thesteemengine, definitely off the rails!
Thank you!

My, my what a beauty @lizelle...and so healthy too :) Love the roasted peppers, eggplant and of course the onions!! All tied up in a sweet package!! Well done my friend :)

Oh it was delicious indeed my friend! Your sandwich package has been such an inspiration so this parcel is just another version on the theme but this time for the school lunch box;)

Oh my gosh that looks like the best sandwich ever! Eggplant, zuchinni, bell pepper... all my favorite stuff! There's a place called "the pita pit" which makes great pita wraps and they serve a Dagwood, but it's nothing like this. I'm pretty sure it has meat and I'm vegetarian so I haven't tried it. Your's looks WAY better!

I'm normally a carnivore but this vegan sandwich was so absolutely delicious that I'll definitely look at veg toppings more often! Thank you for your lovely feedback :)

One of my favs lately is to grill a 1/2 red bell pepper, grill a few pieces of asparagus, and saute some sliced mushrooms and onions . I peel the grilled 1/2 pepper, and fill it with the mushrooms and onions and the asparagus(usually chopped in 1/2 or 1/3), and then melt on a slice of provolone, grill up the bread nice n' toasty, and then throw it all together! It's killer, but looking at this I wanna try to add eggplant, zuchinni, hummus, pesto. I love all that stuff!

Damn this looks very good 👌👌😀
Wow and I like the idea with the bow. Like a little present 🎁

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Thank you so much @avizor, it was so delicious I did not even miss the usual meaty sandwich!

wow... this is sooooo excellent!!! I love this one big time. Mostly because I've been driving on meat and cheese for much too long over here in france...

Same here in South Africa @mondoshawan, we can't do a sandwich without at least one of those or both, it was absolutely delicious!
Thank you for your great feedback :)

I love it when ppl reference dagwood when talking sandwiches :)

Really excellent stackin technique Lizelle, love the selection of veggies particularly the eggplant.

You packaged the whole thing marvellously in a picture perfect way. Very artisan! Definitely rivals @birdsinparadise’s entry from the other week.

It was such a nice change from my usual meaty or even fishy sandwiches, really a delicious veg combination @jaybird.
It's funny how some of us sandwiteers start thinking along the same lines ;);)
Thank you for your wonderful feedback, much appreciated :)

hmmmmmm... I'd forgotten about the #steemitsandwichcontest ... amd as luck would have it, I've JUST posted a bacon & cheese sandwich...literally JUST bacon & cheese... no bread :-)

Gonna go edit my post and enter the comp... thanks for the reminder :-)

edit: OK, turns out I'm missing a "validation pic"... gonna make a mental note for next time... or maybe just redo this 'special' braaibroodjie just for the comp :-)

Sure you can whip up a quick braaibroodjie for SSC @braaiboy, @jaybird would enjoy he loves bacon & cheese ;)

Hummus and pesto?? Oh my goodness you have my vegan heart all a-flutter!! 😘 I have had my boyfriend grill up some veggies like this for a sandwich a long time ago, but now you've definitely got me craving one again! I wouldn't change a thing on here!

I could very easily become vegan, did not miss the usual meat and cheese at all!
Thank you for your lovely feedback @plantstoplanks!

Such a tasty looking sandwich with a nice selection of ingredients, I was one of the strange teens way back when I was a teen, I looked forward to the holidays finishing and getting back to school at the start of the year and gettign back into sports and such, not so much for the class work LOL

My brothers were like that, they loved school only for the sport;)
The sandwich was really delicious, thank you for your feedback:)

Maybe it was a common thing with our generation the love of sports
Have a great day

Howdy there lizelle! oh man, you sure know how to get us hungry! It's almost cruel lol.. this is another wonderful post and the photos are beautiful! that sandwich looks absolutely perfect!

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