Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #25

It's sandwich time y'all!

The other day I was browsing through blogs here on Steemit and I spotted a submission to @jaybird's Sandwich Contest made by @yesslife, she made an awesome chicken ham/egg/cheese/veggie sandwich, and I was like: nice! I wanna take part too!

It has been so long since I took part in any food related contest on Steemit, and it used to be my main thing back when I just joined the platform last year. It really made me sad to see Steemit Culinary Challenge go, I met a lot of awesome people through it and learned quite a few recipes.

But anyways, like I said, it is sandwich time, so let's get to it :D

Hard Salami & Cheese Sandwich



  • 2 slices brioche bread;
  • 3 slices tomato;
  • 4-5 spinach leaves;
  • 4 slices hard salami;
  • 1 slice Swiss cheese;
  • honey & pineapple mustard;
  • cracked black pepper (optional).

To be honest with you guys, I am not a huge bread eater and it is extremely rare that I buy any. If I had to guess I would say that I get bread about once in 2 months or so, usually when I get a bread craving haha, but I do enjoy sandwiches every now and then.
I try to keep them simple and not overload with a bunch of random things like I do with my ramen. For someone who is not a sandwich pro, I feel like I did a decent job. It sure as hell tasted D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S.

Even my cat was into it!



So glad I discovered steemit, but I could do the most disgusting sandwich contest.... you have to eat it too :)

Maybe you should start it? hahaha

Hmmm... maybe I shall lol

You should at least consider it!

You can enter it in, we're all down for a laugh, hell, might even win if it's creative enough.

That's actually one of the themes I'm thinking about for feb. "The no good very bad ugliest most disgusting sandwich."

hahaha game on @jaybird

Oh shit.. what do we have here?

Welcome to SSC!

and secondly,

Daddy Likey!

You know a lot of ppl have submitted breadless sandwich entries and won big in SSC. Just sayin' - like for next time.

I dig this one though. Kinda classic in some sense, with a bit of a twist. That mustard for example sounds like a real good time! As well as a the spinach. You used it right here IMO.

Glad you got back into the food yo ~

Thank you, it is a fun contest, how did I not know about it earlier?!

I dig breadless sandwiches, I have never had or made one, will certainly have to give it a go sometime.
And the mustard is pretty damn good to be honest, one of the best I have tried in the US!

Thank you. i have learnt something about sandwich from here.

Sounds good! :D

That is a lovely sandwich, graceful, made for one, ingredients between slices of bread. I feel more wholesome just for seeing it😀 A lot of people really try to bend the concept, but this purist approach is lovely.

Thank you! Well, I am not too experienced when it comes to sandwiches, I've made about 20 of them in my entire life haha
Hopefully next time I will be able to get fancy with it!

My only suggestion would be better bread. White bread is chewy gross unless it's homemade.

It is brioche bread made in France!

eww france.

Hahaha :D

I don't eat meat, but seeing that sandwich makes me miss it LOL! The best part though...the Kitty!

Haha thank you! It's cat salami I used!



Hahaha this is ridiculous!

That's cool! And very probably delicious! I also wanted to enter this contest, but I did not have an inscription on the paper near the xD sandwich

Это круто! И очень наверное вкусно! Я тоже хотел войти в этот конкурс но не было у меня надписи на бумаге возле сэндвича xD

Спасибо! Сделай новый и приложи бумажку!

Nice photography, good food, great post, thanks for sharing

Thank you :).

классно! надеюсь, и у кота был праздник?)

Кошке не досталось хаха

That's looking really amazing the healthiest sandwich ever :D

Yeah, I guess it's kinda healthy, if you take the meat and cheese out of it :D

That sounds like my kind of sandwich! I love sandwiches!!

Thank you, lady! I tried my best to put it together haha

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