Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #52: Happy Birthday. This one is for you @jaybirdsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemitsandwichcontest6 years ago (edited)

You didn't think I wasn't going to make one this week. Did you?.....

Ok, before I harp on any further. On behalf of the Steemit Sandwich Contest community (past, current and future). I would like to say thank you so so much for hosting this for us @jaybird. Not only making amazing sandwiches week in week out, but also giving many of us motivation to create more for Steem and catalyze many spin off projects from here. Mine included. 

This week has been a good and busy week of baking. This also allowed me to save up a bit to buy more ingredients for this week's special. I also happened to have taken the day off to make this one. 

(The first of many to come.) 

To all sandwich makers out there. Go check out this contest: Steemit sandwich contest week 52.

Big shout out goes to @jaybird for organizing this contest. 

I used the following to make this sandwich:


  • Wheat flour 
  • Water
  • Yeast
  • Sesame seed
  • Salt 


  • Homemade hamburger
  • Chili BBQ sausage
  • Bacon
  • Swiss Cheese
  • Ham bits
  • Egg
  • Homemade onion rings
  • Lettuce
  • Chimichurri sauce
  • Sriracha hot sauce 

All the ingredients on display here. This one, I can confidently say is on par with a manwich. A nice big glass of cold beer was a must when making this. 

Ok. Pan on the left has the 1/4lb burger and sausage. Smaller pan in the background is frying up a lot of garlic and ham. 

Egg added to make a small omelette. 

Isn't she lovely. Split in two with a fall of lettuce. 

There goes the omelette. 

Slices of cheese with bacon stacked on top. 

Burger split in two, placed and tops with more cheese. She is still vertical unassisted. 

Chimichurri laden. Sausage inserted and onion rings placed on top. 


Still vertical without assistance. This is huge!! Baking tray only to hold this monster. 

Happy 1st :) 

Even one of the kittens approved of this one. There was no chance I could finish this one alone. 

If you would like to read my posts, then find me here @intrepidsurfer


Wow! Now that's indeed a jumbo sandwich and you must have had an awesome time putting it together and making it large, what an achievement to relish n enjoy. I generally buy foot long and then dress them the way I desire.

This one was a fun one to assemble, but to eat was a challenge.

This one was a fun
One to assemble, but to
Eat was a challenge.

                 - intrepidsurfer

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Damn! What a behemoth!!!

Killer sammie!

I agree and not one that I would make any day. With the 1 year birthday, how could I not pay tribute to such a great gathering here on Steemit.

Huh.... looks like my original vote and comment didn't get recorded for this one bro!

Thanks so much for the homage, your support and humour. I love the 1 shaped bread!

I also like the chimi-sauce so much and the various meats, omelette and onion rings topping lol. Definitely a bit of a "sloppy sally" but action freakin' packed!

You've been a long time favourite in this competition always baking your own bread and making great sandwiches!

I've switched to Sriracha myself mainly bc of you ;)

Well done!

You are very welcome :) Just setting the bar for the next special events and simply, just having pure fun in doing so. I am sure I am not the only one who thinks the same.

Sriracha and great sandwiches forever :)

Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

Love this @intrepidsurfer, we are really celebrating this anniversary. Love the #1 bread, of course your bread is always #1 tops! Well done ....I hope you shared this beast :)

yes it is a great celebration and so good to see so many participating. Bread is my unique touch. The sandwich is 4 meals in one.

You have become quite a bread master.

Force of habit :) how is the packing?

It goes - now I just gotta stuff a couple changes of clothes in it and I should be ready to rock and roll.

:) it will be good to see you on your journeys through the eye of @artwatch .

thank you for sponsoring this week's SSC.

So cool, making a bread loaf in a shape of #1 and topping it with a candle. I really like the fresh chimichurri and Sriracha. This one big sandwich!

thank you :) I thought it was fitting for the birthday. It was huge!

Well done with this special anniversary sandwich @intrepidsurfer, we were thinking on the same lines with the number one, but I got sidetracked with visitors and braaing, so glad you baked this for @jaybird!

Oh I very nearly had the same issue. It has been slammed packed here with tourists and I had to make the most it, but with no braais for me :(

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