Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #26- "french"

Hung over? feeling a little vulnerable after drinking too much? well the "french" sandwich is designed to soak up any remaining booze in your stomach... the ideal breakfast.

Eating this will instantly recharge your batteries by 50 % in the morning. 

I used the following to make this sandwich-


  • Flour
  • Water
  • Yeast
  • Salt


  • Mantecoso cheese (Peruvian)
  • Egg
  • Bacon
  • Garlic
  • Salt & Pepper

French toast is so easy to make. Crack a couple of eggs in a bowl, add a dash of milk, sprinkle on some salt & pepper and mix well. Dunk a slice of bread in the egg mix. Make sure you do both sides and then cook in the frying pan. 

I like to add a healthy dose of sliced garlic to mine. 

I was eating this beauty within 5 minutes of entering my kitchen. 

You can't beat the feeling of oozing cheese, over crunchy bacon and all enshrined in egg toast!

Enjoy everyone. 


If you would like to read my posts, then find me here @intrepidsurfer


Ha, i wonder if i could even eat this being hung over. Might not keep it down lol.

Looks great tho. Big fan and french toast any other time !!

Ever had challah bread? It’s possibly the best french toast bread ever!

hahahaha made me laugh out loud there! if you were that hung over, you'd be stationed in the bathroom :)

Never heard of challah bread. I will have to check that up.

haha nice.

Yea it's type of egg bread stemming from Jewish Culture. Bc it's already an egg bread it prime for french toast!

oh nice, just checked. I will try that recipe one day, but what to fill it up with...

Anything really. It's good for any kinda sandwich actually. not just french toast ;)

Well done with all the entries this week, this is my favourite one, good luck with the contest :)

hello @lizelle I hope all is good in South Africa. Just a quick message to say thank you for your upvotes. I used some of them to buy a tree and plant it. Reducing our common footprint and paid for by steemit. I wrote about it here:
Thank you again.

Awesomeness @intrepidsurfer, I headed straight for your post, had to resteem such a great idea!

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