Food Porn on Dtube. Steemit Sandwich Contest Week # 67 "Sausage porn"

Epic sandwich this week for @jaybird 's Steemit Sandwich Contest.

I think these are some of the biggest sausages I have fried up in a long time.

This video was filmed with a new camera and in HD. And what an amazingly good difference!


  • Toulouse sausages
  • Multi seed whole grain bread
  • Iceberg lettuce
  • Organic ketchup

Happy food porn everyone,


▶️ DTube

I am always up for a little sausage porn!

Yes Artwatch lol. Was just thinking abt u the other day ❤️

hahaha I thought that would get your attention :) how are you? long time no read.

I am preparing to blow your mind lol. I am good - working on a project.

hehehe. The thing is.. I am sure you will :) good to hear you are doing good.

Truly a beast of a sandwich! Love the Dtube @intrepidsurfer!

Oh it was and I am already thinking of the next one :)

@intrepidsurfer, I really agree with you about it's appearance and it's amazing for sure. And after watching it's appearance i can say that for sure this Sandwich really hold the Deliciousness essence. And for sure we have to enjoy our foodie creativity.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Oh I am not going back to my old camera after using this new one. Even the sound is better.

Have a great time ahead. 🙂

That giant French sausage looks just like South African Boerewors ;) Still don't know how you manage to film and cook all at the same time, very nicely done!

Niiiice, a real sausage sandwich...
Just last weekend I left to a friends place and butchered a pic...
lots of these sausages made and all the good innards eaten with lots of red wine and calvados to digest all the fat...
forgot my camera and phone and was kind of sad not to make a sandwich... glad you did

Heyyy, took me a bit to get to watch this, glad i did tho. Those sausages were worth it haha love the sizzle & cutting them in half for the ease of sandwich. I assume they are local...

Classic lettuce add, simple and effective.

:) I still have two more of those sausages in the freezer and they come from the local butcher.

Well i’m definitely a bit envious of ur sausage 😁

Not the size but how it satisfy's hahaha

Exactly, it’s all about what u do with it ;)

hahaha :) we have to be careful or @artwatch might get involved in these messages. then it will be really downhill hehe

Hmmm, wise words indeed. She’s probably already seen it tho & we won’t know when she’ll make her move 😬

Godspeed ...

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