Steemit sandwich contest #48: The leftovers sandwich


I know what you’re thinking. What the f@#k is that?! That should no way in hell be considered a sandwich. Maybe it' s considered cheating, I'm not sure, maybe. But, hear me out. I really hate waste and I’m sure most of you do. The fillings are all leftovers from the Steemit Iron Chef contest that I participate in, hosted by @progressivechef, and unfortunately I no longer have space in my stomach or freezer, and there’s no way this good shit is being chucked, so I thought I’d dress it up and give it to my boyfriend. It’s amazing what magic you can create, just by sticking it in between some sort of sliced carbohydrate. Nobody can resist a sandwich, unbelievable, but true!


So what’s in between each biscuit layer?

Well the decadent, elegant biscuits (placed in a not so elegant tower), are known as lace biscuits. Very fragile little things so it took some precision putting this together. The recipe for these delicate beauties can be found on the link below...just omit the garlic salt, otherwise, it'll just taste weird in the mix!


The first layer is stuffed with PBJ (classic), just to bring it all together and give it a more ‘sandwichy’ feel. The layer above, blueberry ice cream truffles that had to be removed from the freezer and replaced by some other items (priorities). Moist little balls, filled with flavour and vitamin C, for which the recipe can be found on the following link:


Then there’s some crazy green stuff. That’s matcha mousse from my vegan week:


The meringues in the layer above are made with aquafaba (AKA, bean water, so they’re flipping vegan, crazy right?!), adding a nice little sugary, crisp to each mouthful, perfect with the creamy mousse (also in my recipe for vegan week).

And then last, but not least, a generous topping of silky, salty peanut butter chocolate sauce, which was made with a healthy mix of dairy-free chocolate, peanut butter and coconut milk.

So think twice about your leftovers – ‘sandwichfy’ them.



Looks tasty!!! I like how you present it and also how you shoot it. A very good presentation, I like it!

omg,it is looking so so much tasty,i would like to take it really and and i can't stop me to take this ,it create so much water in my mouth

Haha, positive response @akashsagar!

Thank you buddy

oh my goodness, I am speechless. Really beautiful! Great way to use those yummy leftovers, very creative @foodflaneur. Did your boyfriend eat this in stages? lol Truly a mouthful!

Haha thanks @birdsinparadise- yes he had to start off in stages and then when he got to the truffles, he did his best to attempt tackling it as a normal sandwich. Yes it got messy, but I guess, was entertaining for me!

What a Monster.....

I believe this is a Sandwich, a Womanwich of sorts all be it unconventional.

But hey that's what SSC is all about, getting in touch with your inner sandwich and breaking barriers with creativity!

I love this. So much goodness going on and leftovers ahah.. Matcha mousse sounds absolutely fantastic btw!

Kinda funny how these are your leftovers tho. Not the roast chicken from dinner style eh?

Pres it top here, and of course I appreciated your corky banter ;)

Womanwich- I love it! Haha thanks @jaybird:-) yeah the mousse was nice, but I’m not actually a big fan of matcha, surprisingly, so I didn’t put too much in the mousse, but my neighbor loves everything matcha so he got the rest of the mousse! Ha yes it’s a bit different to the usual dinner, but what can I say, I just have a sweet tooth!

LOVE it! lol "sandwichfy" your leftovers haha, awesome! :) Great photos too! and very cool idea!

Haha thank you so much @mrchef111 :-)

You are so very welcome! :)

This is beautiful! Progressive Sandwich I would name this lovely creation!

Haha, you could say, it exists because of you, I should dedicate it to the iron chef contest!

Absolutely gorgeous sandwich @foodflaneur, can't waste all that deliciousness. I would die to have a bite of this!

Haha, thank you so much @lizelle :-)

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