Steemit Sandwich Contest Week # 30 - Vegetarian

This is my entry for @jaybird 's SSC #30

This is a vegetarian sandwich.

Had the idea for this one because of how the veggies would look cut in section from the whole (as in not chopped, just the whole sliced in sections)

And then it was the big camembert, which is cut also in section from the whole, so I thought, yes this is what I'm going to do.

One thing you can't really see in the pictures is that the camembert slice is a top (or bottom) one, by that meaning that it has the whole crust that locks a camembert, si it's not a middle slice as is soft on both sides, one side is soft and one is crusty and more crunchy/salty/smokier, but I put it with the soft side up because the chili would look better on the soft white...

Design decisions, design decisions...










For ingredients we have:

Bun with sesame

Red Onion

White Champinions from Poland, that's what the package said...





Cool idea. It aint easy making an all veggie sandwich eh?!

Sooo what exactly is this Camembert?

And i am assuming that the polish thing was the mushrooms?

Yeah the mushrooms were Polish, more tasty and cheaper than local, I have to say...

Not easy making a veggie sandwich, but it was surprisingly good.

Not my usual stuff and did it for the "design", but it was a nice experiment.

Camembert is similar to brie, only it's softer and can also be melty inside, but at the same time the taste is stronger.

100% you have it in Canada and you will find it in the same store section where you find the brie, these two are like the classic most known brothers of French cheeses.

Here is an article on camembert vs brie.

Yea it’s nice to switch it up from time to time. I added pickled beets to my sandwich today ;)

Also, interesting to note about te cheese. I never heard of it. I thought that brie was already the “butter” of cheeses lol.

Yeah, also saw you used raisin toast, I tried that too, and mixes very well with salty stuff.

Camembert is more buttery, but it also depends on the quality, higher quality = more buttery.

They are some supermarket made ones, in which there is barely any difference between brie and camembert and camembert is not soft.

In Italy they have gorgonzola dolce, which is almost liquid, it's absolutely unreal, and by that I mean texture and taste. If you hold a piece in your hand it will break off and fall off it's that soft.

Only encountered that in Italy though, gorgonzola dolce in markets in other countries, is nowhere near like the one in Italy...

Yea, raisin toast is good for breakfast stuff. not so good for like cold cuts lol.

And man, I'm not sure if I'd enjoy such a strong soft cheese. Maybe as a spread utility haha

You should definitely try it once, it's not that strong, stronger than brie, but not overpowering...

I've never heard of camembert. Sounds creamy and good. Great veggie sandwich and presentation! You make some awesome sandwiches. Good luck!

You should definitely try camembert sometimes, maybe you'll get recipe ideas... :)

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