Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #59 | Curry Lamburger with Goat Cheese and Pickled Cucs!

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Welcome to the Royal Rumble my Steemit Sandwich Elves! Here we are, week 59 of @jaybirds Steemit Sandwich Contest!

Yikes, that’s a lot of Sandwiches! Right? Just imagine!

I want to give a huge Royal Rumble shout of thanks to @jaybird for continuing to host this weekly community gathering! With the price of Steem being low, he still seems to maintain high spirits in the Sandwich community! Many, many thanks @jaybird! Cheers to the Sandwich King himself!

It’s been a busy week for the Birds as we have been traveling on the road. Visited the Florida Keys and when we camp we like to grill! We arrived home and I realized it was time to prepare my Steemit Sandwich for the week! So this week my friends, we’re grilling!


Curry Lamburger with Goat Cheese and Pickled Cucs!

You’ll need!

  • Organic Ground Lamb
  • Curry Powder
  • Paprika
  • Sea Salt
  • Pepper
  • Bread Flour
  • Yeast
  • Olive Oil
  • Filtered Water
  • Chopped Pistachios
  • Fresh Rosemary and Garlic Goat Cheese
  • Sriracha Mayo
  • Red Onion
  • White Onion
  • Cucumber
  • Avocado
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Maple Syrup
  • Elfish Wink and nod!

I prepped the pickled cucumbers first by washing and slicing the cucumber along with an onion. Placed all in a bowl, added the Salt, Pepper, Oil, Vinegar, Maple syrup and a dash of water. Have a little taste, may need to add a bit more tart or sweet, it’s up to you! I don’t think you can add too much flavor here and the nice part is these will stay fresh for several days If they last that long… Cover and place in the fridge until we’re ready for them.

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I prepped the dough for the rolls. After the first rise I divided it into 8 rolls and let them rest covered for 30 minutes. I brushed the tops of the rolls with egg whites and topped with the crushed Pistachio nuts. I popped them in the oven at 400 to bake for 15-20 minutes.

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The Lamburgers! Mix the ground lamb with the Curry, Paprika, Sea Salt and Pepper. I think you’ll love this spice mixture… Patty them up and grill away!

Now assemble like its your job! Little bit of Sriracha Mayo on the bun, topped with Sliced Avocado then sliced Red Onion. Now the Lamburger, grilled to perfection of course! Fresh Goat Cheese tops the burger and the cherry on top….Pickled Cucumbers!

Enjoy my fellow Steemian Sandwich elves!

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And of course this one’s for @jaybird!

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I hope you’ll try this one, Curry Lamburger with Goat Cheese and Pickled Cucs! Oh, and don’t forget the Pistachio buns! Thanks for stopping in for another great week of @jaybirds Steemit Sandwich Contest!

And as always, blessings to you all!





Love your Lamburger my friend! Would even just have that wonderful pistachio bun all by itself but then you have those cucumber pickles (definitely making those), and the delicious bbq spicy lamb patty, yum!

Thanks @lizelle...I do think you'll love those cucs! Healthy for you ;) Glad you enjoyed my friend!

this looks amazing! my mouth is watering. ini says, "your dad is so lucky!" haha--- hope you two are enjoying over there. i asked him, "are you sure you don't want to come with me?" lol ;) xo

hehe....well I would certainly like to make them again...for your visit!! And of course...we'd love to have both of you ;)

Congratulations! This post has been chosen as one of the daily Whistle Stops for The STEEM Engine!

You can see your post's place along the track here: The Daily Whistle Stops, Issue 266 (9/24/18)

Thank you TSE for featuring my post! Love this community of talented authors!

It looks really yummi and healthy and photos are so good!

Thank you so much! I'm glad you stopped by! Appreciate the kind words :)

Looks absolutely stunning, I'm bookmarking this post for sure! Not a big fan of goat cheese myself, but my girlfriend absolutely loves it, so might surprise her with this dish ;-)

Thank you @daan!! That would be an amazing surprise for her! It was truly tasty, the curry and paprika gave the lamburgers a wonderful flavor. Let me know if you try it, I would love to hear what you both think! :)

Will report back after we've tried it! :)

Wow this looks like a burger you can order at a restaurant. It’s very delicious and fancy looking! Thanks so much for the ingredients! I use ACV in a lot of things that I cook! I love cucumbers but never had them in a burger...will be trying that!

Thank you @crosheille! I love the pickled cucs here....adds a nice tangy crunch to the sandwich. I too love ACV, even making my own! So easy Fun to try new ingredients in burgers...the curry is a new ingredient which was really tasty!

I bet that was delicious!! ♥
Thanks for sharing your recipe!

hehe, glad you liked it @squishysquid! The curry added a wonderful flavor to this fun sandwich! Hope you'll try it some time:)

I will take a bowl of that cucumber salad! Looks amazing and delicious..

Thank you @icybc! The cucumber salad is wonderful, so refreshing here during the hot weather!

This sandwich is bursting with flavors, my friend. Those buns look so good and love the pistachios on them. Awesome job as usual.

Thanks @loveself! Your kind words are always so appreciated, glad you enjoyed!

another real tasty looking sandwich :)

Thanks @tatoodjay, it was indeed tasty!

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