Steemit Photo Challenge #42 - Wild Snake Swimming

in #steemitphotochallenge7 years ago (edited)

I took this picture while relaxing next to a pond in a nature reserve. I saw something moving across the water and I couldn't believe it when I realised it was a snake. It turns out that it's actually a grass snake, who knew they were such good swimmers?

Edit: Due to the amount of interest our slithery friend has received, I thought I'd post another picture of him. This time he's taking a break on a lilly pad, having tired himself out through swimming. Thank you for all of your votes and kind comments by the way.


Nice photography work, fun to see the colors of mother nature if you're working from behind your pc

Thanks for your comments on each of my posts, have a good day : )

Great that you had your camera or phone with you!! Sometimes they look like worms when they change direction in me anyways!! Lol

Yeah luckily I had my camera with me. You're right about them looking like worms when they propel themselves through the water, I think that's what caught my attention. He got tired pretty quickly though because he rested on a lilly pad for a short while after. Here he is on the lilly pad, anyway thanks for your interest.

upvoted! Such a stunning shot!! So clear colors! I'm pretty sure
you will enjoy my posts as well!

Thank you, I'll check out some of your posts and follow you.

wow really wonderful pictures :)

Thanks so much, glad you enjoy them

Very nice snake photo! Papa approves!

cheers, really enjoy your posts.

Thank you phoblographer for the post and another upvote on my blog. Upvoted. Great snake photos.👍

Thanks, I'll be following your work with interest

Great photos! I don't care for snake pic's they give me the hebbie jeebies. But I must compliment your work.

Thank you, though I think we give them the hebbie jeebies too. He took off pretty fast into the reeds when he sensed me at the waters edge. (I say sensed because I think they're blind).

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