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RE: STEEMIT PHOTO CHALLENGE #32 - Trees!! My entries 1, 2 and 3, and extras just for a breath from nature.

I believe being connected to nature and remaining so throughout my life has helped me become a better artists, among other things. I find a lot of artists really love nature, especially trees. Climbing trees as a kid was one of my favorite things and watched my children joyously spend some of their days in trees as well. I love that you enjoyed them so much too @dreemit. We seem to have many things in common. Blessed to have you here with me.


It's a gift to meet such a beautiful and encouraging spirit, thank you for saying that. Nature is my muse. I find it much more difficult to write in the winter time. During nice weather I take my laptop outside; under a tree in my backyard, to the lake at my parent's house, or I simply bring a notebook into the woods.

As much as I enjoyed writing Reborn and continue to enjoy writing its sequels, I feel my best work to date is The Playground Series, which is entirely different. Philosophical and rated G, most of it was written under an Aspen tree. I would be honored if you would read one of my favorite episodes: Here or Here When you have the time, certainly no pressure :)
There are nine in total, and I will be writing more as soon as the weather affords me the chance :)

Gratefully writing can happen most anywhere and it seems you are inspired to receive some earth vibration to enhance your creative spirit. No wonder your writing has such intrigue. I will go check out your episodes, it sounds like you have quite a span of expression. Thank you for sharing @dreemit. Grateful to connect with you.

You are very kind, I know time is an extremely precious commodity I greatly appreciate you taking yours for me. I'm not generally a 'post pusher', I only did in this instance because they've fallen so far back in my queue that it's unlikely for people to see them unless I make a point. I didn't know very many people when I first posted them, I almost wish I had waited...then again they are the reason I became known to some :)

How often do you do new collaborations? I would love it if you would put in a link to your next one in a comment just to be sure I see it right away, I will be happy to resteem it, I believe community efforts like those should receive as much attention as possible :) Especially when their initiator is as lovely as you.
Thanks again!

Please feel free to ignore my thoughtless demands on your time, I have no idea what compels me sometimes, sheesh!
I will keep my own watch for your awesome new collaboration as well, I can't wait to see what you have for everyone next :)

I'm really glad you're inspired to join us. Sometimes I just drop the link to my most frequent artist contributors in Steemit Chat. I think it's easy to miss posts if one is not on at the pertinent time. I've been super busy outside of Steemit, so will get on this FINALE and a new image too. I"m really grateful for your comments and your participation. It's fun to find kindred spirits with similar points of inspiration. I'm excited to share with you @dreemit.

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