Steemitphotochallenge #22: SACRED: "Chasing Angels"

in #steemitphotochallenge8 years ago (edited)


"CHASING ANGELS", North Beach, Naikoon Park, Haida Gwaii.

"I remember being on North Beach, 6 km passed the road end, in Naikoon Park, Haida Gwaii, and telling my friend: "Run! Run!!! We have to go catch an angel!". She had no clue what I was meaning by that and even less of an idea as to what she would see within the next minute or two..." On the Road to Awe, your presence of being is key and the moment priceless. This is one rare image of sacredness that I was graced to capture. Namaste :) Éric Boucher

To quote someone who has seen this picture before telling me that I should be posting this one somewhere and to whom I had asked where, here's the answer:

"National Geographic was my first thought. To get exposure and to protect the last place of it's kind on earth. If not, then and only then give it to the movements taking place at this time to protect it. Please only 'give it away' after you've had a chance to share it globally. I believe they have special photographs chosen each month etc. If something else comes to mind, I'll write. The image is so pure and beautiful I feel almost 'chosen' to have seen it." Laurel Kimberley-Stone (Jan. 16, 2016)

(Photo taken with a borrowed camera: Nikkon coolpix L820)


This is gorgeous Eric :D

Thanks a bunch Willie, I appreciate the good words. Namaste :)

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone
In my humble opinion this great photograph and
story is worth far more than my upvote could
ever add. Please check your wallet for a bonus payment

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Wow! It really IS Christmas. Thank you so very much @kus-knee! After turning all of my STEEM into STEEM POWER, I was going to wait for a long while to be able to apply for the @crowndfundedwhale and the @steemtrails as well. Still wondering about the full nature of their services as it seems to be quite similar to the one provided by @steemprentice... Thanks you so very much, you gift is greatly appreciated. I wish you could have seen my face when I checked my wallet, before reading the note telling me to do so. Some would say priceless! All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

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