NEWS : Concerning about the Islamic Regulations Announced in Bireuen, Aceh - Indonesia.

in #steemitnews6 years ago


It is already popular when the islamic law integrated within certain areas (Country/Provinces) by the mean time a lot of individuals or publics will give their comment, suggestion, contibution and even more who just state their opposite perception regardless the fact or reality within the field.

As it issues what comes recently in Aceh province, especial in Bireuen regency as the capital town for its regency. Bireuen also called by another named Kota Juang (The City of Fighters) by its phenomenal histories when the collonial infaded Acehnese land. Beside, another great stories that might be everybody has been forgotten, Bireuen was ever been as The Indonesian Capital Town while the collonial seized the Batavia/Jakarta at this time. This remarkable stories made Bireuen City have the specials power amon anothers, as another Acehnese regency has their own great stories such as Sigli City nominated as the Gate of malayan cultures, North Aceh Regency as the first gate of Islamic striped in Indonesian Archipelago, or Meulaboh City as the place of Remarkable Acehnese Patriotic Hero, and so on


Talking about the Islamic Law in Aceh, it was adopted many years ago since Aceh still as the Monarcy Country/Kingdom (Kingdom of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam) before declaration as provinces to Indonesian Archipelago. Actualy, when we look back to the historical aspects within Acehnese Goverment Law System, Its absolutely everything that talked about the goverment law its also related to the Relegion as Islam was the only believes that Acehnese people does. In the sultanate time (Aceh Monarcy), the goverment law that adopted within all regulations was taken from the Islamic Guidances Law. See the References at the end of this articles to know about Acehnese.

As the historical backgroud was explained, it is clearly that acehnese was the only provinces in Indonesian that adopted Islamic Law (Syari'a) as the Goverment Law. Related to this case, recently arise the warmest issues that every people in the country discussed/comment/talked about as it come as the Islamic Law. There are who stated their pros and cons opinion regarding the issues. Who knows everybody view-point is significant different amonf others. Meanwhile, before we talked/discussed too far about it, it is a must to all of us in finding the real sources, learning what is all about? Why its applied? Where its suit to integrated? To whom its referred? And everything that worth to compared and decided before we split out our mind regarding the issues.

In September 2018, bireun goverment applied the new regulations that adopted the syari'a law toward public. Recently, this issues made all public reader/society became curious till then its arise as the popular topic to discuss.

There are pros and cons by public opinion made, part of them who said aggreed and the rest stays opposite beside also there are who didn't really cared about it. While I think is the important thing that would risen after the regulations made is the positives side brought to society. As the local syari'a officer stated:

"The objective is to protect women’s dignity so they will feel more comfortable, more at ease, more well behaved and will not do anything that violates sharia (Islamic law)," the head of the local sharia office, Jufliwan.

By the objective means to protect woman, we can see through time beyond more issues that most of victims was woman, such as in India that popular by most of woman being raped, or another places. This intend means positives as it will make woman more saved and protected, beside they didn't realized by themself toward the shari'a law announced and applied. We can see might be most of woman who didn't aggreed was teenagers or there are some of them demanded by the job/work responsibilities. As it was the task/duty for the govement itself regarding to solved it or make it as an execption or re-upgrading the point mentioned within the papers (Law).

Another most important thing is don't judge a book by its cover! But please read it first and keep digginf more pages by pages to knew it better and well before split out your word. As long as it talked within discussion ways, we can make our place become more better that before.

Local News Paper Released (


The most popular local newspaper in aceh published the news regarding about the popular issues in Bireuen which is the new regulations announced by the goverment/regency officer. Actually, the news become more hottest topic that talked in the entire Aceh province till then its spreaded globally, as the guradian news also stated in their websites :


The following point within pictures mentioned the regulations (syari'a law) in Bireuen as it the goverment regent officer decision announced.


The Bireuen syari'a regulations that took most of people attention.

Indeed, I'm not a kind of well professional journalist or such a good observer or many calls related, but I'm just simple viewer through simple opinion that by the moment I made this simply analysis toward Bireun regulations (Syari'a Law), there are a lot of people already discussed it based on their mind, commented, blamed, and with all various opinion arise. What unfortunately, while we just taken flash decision regardless thinking or learning more beyond the regulation itself applied.

  • Why the regulations such recently become famous issues should be applied within the society (Bireuen)?
    As bireuen city famous called Kota Santri or Islamic Students' City I think, it is worth to keep the famous named lived long last by educating the society through the syari'a law (Followed). As long as it still on the positive orientation, why should we blamed the goverment upholder while they just intended good mission. We hope that this rules applied on wisely and positively without any pressures made.

  • What is the positives side/aspect/effect would be rise by the regulation integrated?
    Actually, by the new modern era issues, there were such a bad habits or attitudes or life styles spreaded (eg. Freesex, drugs, etc) and those part usually involved the woman within, we didn't knew why or what exactly reason till they (woman) being as victims. Recently, while we look deep in reality, we can say that most of woman didn't realized that their well-being among public (man) become as the strong object to be various unknowing objects.

For intances, by their existences in daily life outside their home, we can say it Its Okay! when they just stick arround at daylight till 09.00 PM, its alright! Its the save time-zone for themself in keeping their status. But! What about its passed than 9 PM, let say 10 or 11 PM but they just still stick around, hang-up in some coffee or wherever it is. We knew this is not so well for them, you got what I mean! Every possibilities could be happen by this time!

So, just let the woman saved and make them more educated and well protected. We knew that this is like kind of pressed toward them (woman) but you knew! Its better to watch over rather than to cured it while its dropped/stucked!

  • To whom those regulations pointed?
    Recently, there are also pros and cons regarding the syari'a law applied in Boreuen regency, as the following complaining about what if those woman is the active workers on certain markets, coffeeshop or etc! What if they just can't go home before 9 PM? What should they do while they are the only hope to their family/etc. I think, this part need to be more cared about or let say the goverment made the exceptions or something like that as the solutions. I can't be brave in taking this opinion as the answer, as it also as my voices, what if this situation occured on some woman that mentioned! Hopeful the goverment would reviewing more deep that the regulations spreaded needed to be maintain furthermore.
  • Is it there are several exceptions in concerning about the regulations?
    While the explanation above mentioned following complained, I want to make simple additional statement, is it there are an exceptions in case for something happen. May be, we should also think about it that the goverment should re-consider about it. And I think the goverment itself already provided those kind of cases relating to solved it.

  • and many more thought I guees, as it to make it worth as comment or discuss while we take it as an opinion to shared it on public feed.

In discussing those statement above, as we also knew that bireuen was the most famous city as the Islamic educational influenced toward another Acehnese areas. As it made Bireuen become more specials in the Acehnese people point of view, so we can see through the Syari'a Law (Bireuen) that earlier applied intended in positive only.

Resources Worth to Read.

~I'm not a Journalist, even closed to professional ones!
~I'm just a watcher with following words as writer!
The following article that I posted based on what I think that worth to concern about regardless taking any decision to blame the law, but we need to be more civilized in finding the way out or commenting or related actions, cause what was happen till the regulation adopted is caused by the REASONS which is mean Acehnese want their Woman SAVED amd Well PROTECTED, beside surely there are some exceptions that needed to be discussed furthermore related to the Syari'a Law Announced.
Think Outside the BOX People! & Just please don't judge a BOOK by its cover!!

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