The Steemit Name Challenge @shortcut

in #steemitnamechallenge6 years ago (edited)

Dear friends,

I was nominated by @marty-art to do the Steemit name challenge.

These are the rules:

1. Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
2. Tell us your real name!
3. If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
4. Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
5. Nominate 5 people for this challenge


And here are my explanations:

1. Working as a long time TV and corporate editor of moving images, I always had to cut a long story short, I was also known for my fast edits (with scenes, that often last only a half second) and my work heavily depended on using keyboard shortcuts to finish my work in the fastest possible way.

When I began working as a freelancer, I kind of chose shortcut as my corporate name and that got stuck.

Fun fact: I don't like it very much, when my username is shortened like "shorty". It reminds me of some other persons, I don't have very much in common with.

2. My real name is not a secret, but for now I think, my forename Jörn (which is pronounced like a mixture of yarn and journ-ey without "ey") should be enough.

3. I'm still pretty happy with my username, because shortcut is easy to recognize and has some interesting meanings. It developed into a brand and I already started using it as my artist's name. Last not least, it reminds me of looking for shortcuts to success and happiness.

4. Done.

5. I'd really like to know the origins of the usernames of @shaka, @twinner,, @sature and @katharsisdrill, but I somehow don't like challenges, which require nominating others. So this is not a nomination, but more an invitation. Feel free to skip this, if you don't like being nominated.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!


creativity is based on freedom


What I like most, besides the psychopath gif, is number 3, you have to look for shortcuts for happiness and success. That's why I invent my own Mr. Shortcut, which quickly brings me to the things that make me happy.

Wow! This is one of the coolest comments, I've ever received!
Thanks so much replying with one of your amazing gifs ;-) Made my day!

Jörn your English name could be "Yearn" = sich nach etw. sehnen; etw. herbeisehnen; etw. ersehnen [poet.] {vt} [psych.]

PS @yearn wouldn't be a bad name ;-)

Thanks for the additional info. I didn't think of this connection yet, but you're right, it's not a bad name.
Reminds me of the saying: "Yearning by doing." ;-)

Ciao Jörn!!!
Haha... I love your GIF, LOL!!!

Ciao Steemitri!
I'm glad you liked the gif, I tend to make a fool of myself ;-)

Hi Jörg, pleased to meet you! I am Fränk Fränz :D

Hi Fränk, I like your profile pic a lot ;-) But those transliterated umlaut (ae) always makes me a bit sick.
Btw: I'm Jörn, not Jörg, but I stopped counting, how often people mixed that up.

lol... look at me... how embarrassing, I read the post and seconds later I've already confused it again...

There you have it... I was only busy looking at the Umlaut and ADHD took care of the rest.

I love my transliterated Umlauts, I guess I made them my "branding"?!

It all stems from the fact that Umlauts are tough to type on non-German keyboards, and by now, even despite having a EURKey Layout, when I do write in German I hardly ever use proper Umlauts at all...

lot of things that don't matter at all, I'm just trying to blabber on to get past the fact that I messed up your name so impolitely :P

P.S.: I corrected my own name to a wrong spelling above just to express how sorry I am ;)

Haha, nevermind. Maybe if you're forced to use umlauts, it's different from choosing to do so because of your branding.

I always had the feeling, that I'm a different person, when I write Joern rather than Jörn, but it's also difficult, because I guess nobody (outside Germany and the nordic countries) is able to pronounce it correctly.

That's the charm with "Fränk"... English speakers nail that, but try having them say "Fr[aa]nk"... lol

Then again "Dschorn" sounds pretty weird either way... I understand why you opt for a shortcut there :P

the shame... the embarrassment... ADHD ruined my life :P

I can't remember anything ... but I'm sure my name has something to do with space or lasers or binary numbers and things like this or that. Anyways .. I'm Dave, and I'm "here" - Cue "Hi Dave"

Hi Dave! How are Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich doing?
I'm always thinking about HAL 9000, when I hear your name:

But I'm certainly a huge fan of the Star Trek transportation system, too ;-)

"I'm afraid I can't upvote your comment HAL." Oops .. Thanks for making me lol and go looking for my space-helmet ;)

Hahaha, das Gif is klasse :D
Deinen Namen kannte ich ja schon, aber ich find die Challenge klasse, mal was anderes.

Danke dir, ab und zu mache ich mich ganz gerne mal zum Affen ;-)

It is really funny challenge, if a try to look for similarity in my mother tongue in will sound like "Joran" which mean "Fishing rod" in English. Hope you like to fishing as well. Sorry if my comment brother you mr. @shortcut


Thanks for your meaningful comment. I‘m not a great fisherman, but I like to eat fresh fish ;-) Your mother’s tongue is Indonesian, right?

Yes, i am indonesian and you mr @shortcut? Are u from Germany?

Yes, I am ;-)

Hehe, awesome! Nice to know the origin!
And a hilarious gif! :D

Thanks a lot :-) A gif tells more than thousand words, right?

I Like It Nice Post. Jörn!!!

here we get some challenge with user name, lets try with new theme and innovation!

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