The Story behind the name MaverickInvictus

I have to finally bow and do this as I have been nominated by a number of people already for this challenge.


Here are the rules of the challenge in case you are 'lucky' enough to be asked:

1 - Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.
2 - Tell us your real name!
3 - If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
4 - Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that anyone who cares at all can track all the posts and check them out
5 - Nominate 5 unfortunate victims for this challenge


As a child, I was absolutely crazy in playing Megaman X. The Blue Bomber has a special place in my childhood memories and when the character of the Maverick Hunter, Zero, came it completely blew me away.

Just look at that red armor (also comes in black armor form!) that cool demeanor and of course the Z saber that looks like a light saber from Star Wars.



Then you had his move set in Megaman X4 and the rest of his games where you pull it off with a combination of different buttons. Then it all so sounded so bad ass with Japanese sounding names to his Z Saber tactics like Raijingeki as a lightning thrust, Ryuenjin as a rising flame strike and Hyouretsuzan as an ice element downward strike.

Credits to KRT of Youtube

I was forever hooked and loved this character.

I began using the name Maverick while playing video games in particular Counter-Strike



You know that perfectly addictive game where your objective is to either to plant a bomb and blow up the area if you are a terrorist and if you are a counter-terrorist you get to either kill off all the terrorist or disable the bomb is they planted it.

Tons of hours, trash talks and money has been exchanged due to this game and almost did not graduate!


Contrary to popular belief I did not name my character from this character although he is cool.


I was a bit of a troublemaker when I was a kid and this was one word my Matriarch often used to describe my lack of wanting to do what she wants. It was either Maverick or Hardheaded and the second word doesn't exactly roll off the tough.

So Maverick it is!


You know back in high school that you are bombarded with classic works of arts from paintings, sculptures, architecture but none had a hold on me like literature.

While others thought it was boring and a waste of time, I greedily read and absorbed everything. One, in particular, stayed with me and became a permanent fixture in my life.



This piece of literature by William E. Henley moved me so much and when I learned that Nelson Mandela drew strength from this when he was imprisoned I knew that it was really something special.

It is no secret that I was at my lowest point when I joined Steemit. I was suffering from my worst depression yet.

In a way, I was wrapping my myself in a persona of a person who I wanted to be. A person who is a free spirit and will write things that I like. A person who at his darkest time is bloodied and fallen so low but wants to remain unbowed to the circumstances.

I used it to armor myself amidst all the disappointments and failures and grow stronger each day and become a hope for other people that had the same experience.

Would I change my username to say like SugarDolphin or DarthSteem? I don't think so because I feel my handle fits me quite nicely here.

It is the person I am in Steem.

Oh yeah my name is Judd and it has Hebrew origins meaning "Praised"

Now who to volunteer for tribute then?

  1. @eonwarped - It sounds so futuristic and from space!
  2. @beeyou - so both @abh12345 and I are putting peer pressure haha
  3. @raj808 - I have always wondered the origin of the name as it sounds Indian but we all know you aren't one
  4. @dedicatedguy - a very deep person and would be great to know the reason behind the handle
  5. @themanwithnoname - because it would be fun haha

So that is it a piece of challenge that I completed and forever in the blockchain and me adding more chains by sacrificing some names.

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I really have enjoyed reading how people have chosen their usernames on here! That character is pretty interesting - does look like a light saber! Thanks for sharing your information with us. :)

Yeah when I first saw him wield it I knew he was a bad ass right away!

I always knew that your name connects to this poem and Mandela :) this is a great story behind your name :)

This had a profound effect on me and how I want to be.

loved reading the origin of your name mav! or should i say judd?! omg! ;p

my upvote is worth 2 cents now! enjoy the extra penny! :D

I like Mav hahaha I'm good with it. Yey 2 cents!!!

I enjoyed reading how you came up with your name, such an original and unique way you came up with yours

Thank you so much and it was a fun tibdit to share with the community.

Your welcome
I have enjoyed doing and seeing others responding to this challenge

Have a great week

so you are a game minded steemit user. Great @maverickinvictus

Yeah I am haha A game inspired this name

I have a also a story behind my steemit username

I will, for sure
My pleasure

WHAT a great explanation!
And I'll admit.. I have often been curious about your name here- thanks for sharing it!

I enjoyed doing this :) When I first got tagged I thought why would I do it as it doesn't seem that anyone would be interested to see it but I am surprised by the number of people that responded!

Thank you for gracing me with your presence engagement goddess.

I think the maverick part of your name was easier to get, even though I wasn't thinking along the lines of the MegaMan character. A maverick is someone who we can all be at any given time provided the right circumstances.

As for Invictus, I did remember reading that once a long time ago. It is very powerful and moving to know that even in the darkest of circumstances, we can still determine who we will be and what we will become.

So, well done. You chose wisely. It's always best to surround ourselves with things that will help us become who we want to be, and it doesn't matter where we start out at, as long as we don't finish there are move backwards.

Onward and upward, as they say. :)

Thank you Glen and Invictus really moved me. I forgot to put it that I planned to had that word tattooed but never gotten around to do it.

I think so as well that I was able to choose a name that fit me well here.

I'm not a fan of tattoos, so that's just as well, but having the actual text around to refer to and remember would be good on a plaque or something. I think we do need to have reminders of the fact that we do determine what are destiny will be. There is no one else deciding that for us. Even in oppression, under bond and yoke, we can still be free. Because our mind, our will, will never belong to the oppressor unless we give them away. They cannot be taken from us.

I have it as an image in my PC along with visionboard which I always look at before I even start doing Steemit.
As a constant reminder that I can control what is happening to me.

I didn't now that maverick is an English word. Hahaha! You've got that very simple yet impactful name. My Steemit name is very simple it's really my name. Hahaha! I don't need to explain that. :-D

Hahhaa yeah most people used their name here but I wanted to be something different.

And you really have got a unique name. I really thought your real name is Mav or more or less like your Steemit name. Hehehe

Well I didn't want to use my name at first haha and I am more known by my gamer name haha

I knew it had to come from a game, I just couldn't pinpoint which one. ^.^

Lol I play so many games and it could have been any of the iconic characters but this suited me here.

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