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RE: Name Origin Challenge: full-measure

Even though i am big fan of the show, i would have never remembered this dialogue or figure out this is where your name comes from. Interesting story and great source for choosing the name.

Being indecisive about something or having a moderate view isnt always a half measure. Its like choice between democracy/dictatorship or even more close capitalism socialism. While you and i may be able to take a side, someone may not be. Or something controversial like prostitution. A moderate view would be, not for me but ok for it to exist. And that is better than, its bad or its good.

Youre point about non violent stance is excellent. I think as long as what i am doing only affects me, i am ok to do it. That could be a great tool for morality as well.


Even though i am big fan of the show, i would have never remembered this dialogue or figure out this is where your name comes from.

Ya, it's hiding in plain site, sneaky little reference that's easy to miss.

Being indecisive about something or having a moderate view isnt always a half measure ... While you and i may be able to take a side, someone may not be.

Right, not being sure is fine. But then you know you aren't sure and don't take a side.

If someone asks me for directions to the theater and I don't know, I tell them I don't know. That's not tentative or indecisive, that's just the full expression of what I can do to help.

Or something controversial like prostitution. A moderate view would be, not for me but ok for it to exist. And that is better than, its bad or its good.

Maybe that happens to be something that could be described as "moderate" but presumably it's also the full expression of what you believe.

(The full expression of your belief doesn't have to be wild and crazy. But it should be what you think is right, not moderate in the sense of you're deliberately trying to position yourself in the middle of everyone or censor your belief in some way.)

Yeah, well that makes complete sense>I don't think I got what your were saying the first time. my bad!

All good! Def happy to clarify .. it's kind of an "out there" thing anyways hehe

It's better to throw darts and live with being off sometimes than try to water yourself down to the average belief, would be a way to summarize it

But some of those darts can so happen to be things that are totally palatable to the average person (and almost all the time they will be.. but then sometimes they'll be different, and that's when it matters)


yeah, be inquisitive & curious, learn as much as you can, form a strong opinion and say it when the topic comes up. If you dont know, say that. But don't try to fit in and pretend to be someone else.

And mostly, the opinion you've formed will be on the basis of common knowledge, so it will sound right. More often than not, a controversial topic will not be discussed. If it being discussed, then yeah, speak your heart out. Will help you in the long run - either you will end up learning something new since you will find out you're wrong or you will be left with the right kind of social circle.

ya, and well it's hard to get really specific, when we're talking about the inspiration behind something. so mostly I'd rather circle back to the original post and let it speak for itself 😛 and it just is what it is.

What you say there def seems like solid advice and I agree. But just want to be clear that it isn't exactly what I was trying to touch on up top, in terms of what inspires my name.

No, that last comment from me was just extra stuff - not what i thought youre post was about. It was off topic.

gotcha gotcha!! right, as just an aside in its own right, I totally agree!!