The Steemitname Challenge: What's In A Name?

One of the first messages I received today was from @hornblende, informing me that he had nominated me for a challenge. Upon checking out the link, I saw a challenge which tasked one to reveal the story behind his username. I have heard that question too may times and I think it's time I do a little talking.

The Rules Of The Challenge

  • Make a post about the story behind your username.
  • Tell us your real name
  • If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention them!
  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge
  • Nominate 5 people for the challenge

I'm not a member of the Illuminati (I don't think that I would tell you if I am). During my first year in the university, the second semester to be precise, I read my first of Dan Brown's books, titled "Angels and Demons" (you should read that book if you haven't). Somewhere along the pages, I read that members of the Illuminati are called the "Illuminatus". Maybe they are, maybe they aren't. Google translate gave me Illuminatus as translating into "Enlightened in English.

After reading the book, the name Illuminatus kept creeping into my mind. However, the christian boy in me tried to push it to the back of my mind. One morning, just after having my bath, I stood in front of my mirror as I always do everyday (I might be a little bit narcissitic). While gazng at my own eyes, I took a look at my own eyes and said "I am Illuminatus". I've been mocked several times for making use of that name but honestly, "Who cares?"

If I could pick a new username, I guess I would pick Okikiola. Too many people call me Illuminatus these days and it's almost like my name is fading into nothingness.

My real name is Okikiola

I'm nominating @bat-junior, @ehiboss, @destinysaid, @mimy and @samminator for the challenge.

Thank you for sparing your time to go through this. I remain your humble little boy.

I am @Illuminatus, I am a Nigerian and I am neither a terrorist, a scammer nor a spammer.


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Wow... Now I see the meaning of the name. When I first heard about you from @destinysaid, your name was just too perculiar.

Illuminatus.... I love that name.

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