Steemit Name Challenge - Celestal

No, this actually isn't where I got my username. I discovered the Celestial character from the Talisman board game just recently, way after I had chosen @celestal as my Steem account name, but celestial is indeed the word where my name is derived from.

You might know (or don’t) that a guaranteed way to find a cool sounding name for a heavy metal -band, is to borrow it from Tolkien and his languages.

Morgoth aka. Melkor, aka. the equivalent of Satan.
"He who rises in might", the fallen spirit who said fuck you to his God (Ilúvatar), disrupted others’ creations and decided to do his own corrupt stuff like Balrogs and Dragons.

Amon Amarth.
You might’ve heard this band before, but did you know that name is the Sindarin (elven language) name for Orodruin aka. Mount Doom (amon means mountain) where the One Ring was forged and then later thrown into destruction by Bilbo?

Did you know that Sauron was originally Morgoth’s little bitch? Yeah, if you thought that Sauron was evil, just think of that dude.

So, I followed this guaranteed strategy and looked into some names.

I noticed similar ones like Celeborn, Celebrian and Celebrimbor who was the forger of the Rings of Power, deceived by Sauron's beautiful guise who then forged the One Ring to influence the carriers of the lesser rings which were incorporated by Sauron's magic.

And for some reason I remembered that celeb (pronounced with a k) in the beginning of those names means silver.

So, I’m like: “Cool, but I don’t want to just steal some character’s name, that’s not very original.”

Then I remember starting to just look some random words and translating them with a web dictionary into latin because it sounds fancy. I don’t remember exactly how, but somehow I ended up looking a word,


Then all heavens opened, my brain neurons aligned and I went:


If you haven’t yet pulled all the pieces together, let me explain.

You see, 'celestial' is synonym with 'heavenly' or 'stellar', for example. So they are very close to each others by their meaning.

Though even synonyms have their own unique distinctiveness to them.


Guess what color stars are?

You guessed it: Silver, or celeb, which is exactly like cele in front of celestial but without the b.

"Now, that's pretty dope!"

I thought to myself.

Then I just took the i away, and now it was my own little word and username to which I could attach all the meaning and etymology I wanted; the points at the sky, which the elves greatly admired, reminding them for their ethereal light stolen by Morgoth and his spider friend, from the Blessed Realms of Aman where Valar, Guardians of the World, created by Eru Ilúvatar, lived. That’s also the place where Elves sail back to from Middle Earth, summoned by the Valar because the magic of the lesser rings reducing the effects of time for the Elves in Middle-Earth, was now gone with the One Ring being destroyed. Elves weren't immortal as such, but as a result of Sauron's magic which was only a trick for his master plan to take over the Middle-Earth. The Elves were destined to eventually leave in the end of Third Age, at the start of the Age of Men, back to their original home. Otherwise they would've faded with the heavy burden of time on their shoulders.

Faded like a star that eventually burns its fuel to the end, turning into an invisible dust, shattered across all space, barely visible to begin with. But during its time gets to influence those the closest, maybe even someone far away catching the gleam,

Kinda like I,


(My name can be pronounced with a k or s, whichever you like the best.)

Ok, that’s pretty much it. I don't know if any on the above made any sense to you, but hey, at least it does in my head. It got way nerdier than I intended, but what can you do having read all of Tolkien's production (don't read Silmarillion, that's like reading a bible, unless you're out of your mind, yes, I might've been little out of my mind).

Thank you @escapist for nominating me for this, had a lot of fun doing this!

Oh, right, there were some rules, forgot that completely.

  • Tell us in a post how you chose the current Steemit username you have. The story behind it.


  • Tell us your real name!

I’m not gonna give my first name because I don’t see that really necessary but I’ve actually slipped it already into the blockchain a while ago, so if you really truly care so much about my first name, it can be found somewhere from the graveyard.

  • If you could change your current username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!

Well, there's mohawk, obviously, as one option but I still prefer my current one for the depth of it. Mohawk will still be a good nickname though!

  • Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that the creator of the challenge can track all the posts and check them out
  • Nominate 5 people for this challenge

Really? Where can I find 5 people that haven't already done this? I was already late to this.

  • @irime, are you up for this?
  • @namiks, maybe you?
  • Haven't seen one from you, @shello, so here's my nomination!
  • I wonder where @betterday comes from...
  • @raikuhen? Don't know whether you're a challenge type of guy, but do as you wish.

Well, this was geeky... but also kind of impressive!

One of my internet / gaming usernames - Hevnokriid - comes from two words in the Dovahzul language (Skyrim dragon language) - ''hevno'' and ''kriid''. The first of them means ''brutal'' while the second is ''slayer''. It has a little cringy taste to it, but heck, fictive languages make anything sound badass, don't they?

Well, this was geeky... but also kind of impressive!

Haha, thank you!

One of my internet / gaming usernames - Hevnokriid - comes from two words in the Dovahzul language (Skyrim dragon language) - ''hevno'' and ''kriid''. The first of them means ''brutal'' while the second is ''slayer''. It has a little cringy taste to it, but heck, fictive languages make anything sound badass, don't they?

That's a badass name! And yeah, fictional languages make everything sound way cooler :D

Another cool thing.

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