Buenos Aires Steemit Meetup - Lend me your year I'll buy you a beer (1) My plans before departure - AMR7

in #steemitmeetup7 years ago

Only 7 days left to my adventure. I am counting...

Today I started my day with a bit of research about the steemit community in Buenos Aires. I found one past meetup from 2016, a group on meetup that has 86 members. I still wait for that amazing feature that will be able to do a search for posts on a specific location :D Google was not much more helpful, I only found 2 people that where in charge of promoting steemit in Buenos Aires @alitas that seemed to had stopped blogging about a year ago and @sponge-bob, that is still active but I'm not sure is in the area anymore.

So this is a shout to all people from Buenos Aires, for now at least, if you are here and understand my broken English I would love to tell you about my plans and my project. I can promise that my Spanish is good and is getting better after 1-2 days of continuous use. Below is a picture of my current version of physical being.

Hillary and Chris Johnsonare expecting their third child!.jpg

Now, this would be a part of the project I intend to keep alive while I will be traveling in South America and I wrote below how I see it at this moment. It can change on the go, but as a bare minimum the flow needs also some structure.

What I would love to talk about with new and old steemians

  1. When did you join and what/who convinced you is worth the effort. For the newcomers I would like to take you into a private tour on the platform. I can help you create an account and get you in the state to be able to post and interact with the other people on the platform

  2. How do you feel about the steem/the crypto-currency in which you are rewarded for your posts? You are familiar with the block-chain technology? If the answer to my previous questions is no, DO NOT BE afraid. I was on the same situation few months ago and now I am trading crypto and investing in some ICOs. The steemit platform has the power to lend you the knowledge if you lend time and real interest.

  3. How do you feel about the people on this platform? Do you like to interact and to dream together for a better place? I tend to believe that is a great place to start. The crowed in here is diverse in mind and spirit, but I am sure you will find the ones you call your people. Create together a brighter future is the main reason that I am here on the platform. The money is only a small part of my interest in life (though it has been always a small prosperous part) and is not the part that make my heart sing. I found here people that I felt in 2 seconds that are my friends. But enough about me. I am curious about you, so be prepared to be looked trough a thick lense :D

  4. Do you use any of the platform tools? Do you know about discord groups, steemit. chat, steemd, steemit.supply just to name the first one that arrived in my mind. Do you want to learn more, to create one tool, to collaborate in curation and getting data or into maintaining this environment a nice, smiley and friendly one? I can share from what I did tried and we can search together for new and exciting ones.

  5. What do you think about the future? How we can be millions on this platform and still found the articles that we want to read in the feed. Ok I know that is perhaps your first steps here, but do you want to be part of the history? We are allowed to dream and if we dream and action in the direction of our dream, we can surely do it.

  6. I will make a 2 minutes video about, you, me the meeting, the place and you can kindly shout your message into this world. Ta daaa, that was it. You get read of me and we can continue our messy/beautiful life on/apart of steemit.

Few words about me

I am shy and for me will be a challenge to keep up with this videos. I am at a point in my life when I believe the most important thing for me is to give back/to share the little that I've learned.

I am somehow crazy and methodical in the same conglomerate that I call it body. I believe in higher meaning and enlightenment. I meditate daily, I am a vegetarian and a wine lover. I do love action, paragliding and mountains. I've seen sunsets that made me cry and blessed to be alive.

I am good with money, we have a loving-care relationship. Until I arrived to crypto, I mostly worked as an engineer (apart from 2 years when I did some energy trading) and life treat me good. I believe money/crypto in any form are energy and I like them to feel welcome in my surrounding.

I've been blessed with the most amazing friends, one of them @immarojas is willing to support the project so we can have funds for all the beers I will need to offer.

If by any chance you want to help us, you are more than welcome. We can discuss details as they appear, further on. Donations are also encouraged and I can commit to offer complete transparency on which/where and on what :)

Also please comment if you know members that are from Buenos Aires, I would love to meet you in those 3-4 days I will be there.

Hopes and hugs,



very exciting adventure @teodora! @world-travel-pro is in Brazil and has been in Ecuador for awhile. I know these are both far away from Buenos Aires but just in case you're going to different areas in S. America I'm mentioning him. If you steemitchat him, he's very responsive, a great guy and may know of other steemians in the area.

Yey thank you so much. I will be in Brazil at a point, so much appreciated 😍😍

Hey Teodora. I'm in Guayaquil Ecuador at the moment and will be finally leaving here traveling south into Peru Tomorrow. Will be ditching my burner and pot to travel faster and will be skipping down the coast of Peru for the next few weeks. South America is huge. If I travel fast enough and far enough I may make it Buenos Aires. However I spent way too much time on steemit the past couple months and it really ate into my South America Trip. I have to get back to Florida to See my Dad in May before heading out to Europe, so my trip ends at that point.

Will you be floating around South America, or sticking to one city, country, or region? That would be great to meet up! Hope you are well and I'll be in-touch. -Dan

Exciting!!! Can't believe you're leaving in a week though...

Yes I know is still doesn't feel yet. I hope I will not need to do everything last minute :)) though I know that I will.

Awwwweek or 6 days...better send me pics woman. Enjoy yourself and safe travels, hugs😗😗😗

Thanks Imma, I'll do my best. Hugs and wine 😍

Only 7 days to go. That's exciting!

I hope you find plenty of interesting Steemians for your videos. 💙

Safe travels. 😊

I do hope so. Thanks

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