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RE: FUCK CANCER! - How cancer destroys the whole family

in #steemitmamas5 years ago

Please accept my deepest sympathies for your loss @mumma-monza I read every heartbreaking word that you have written and felt your pain.......having lost much loved parents within 11 days of each other.

I hope that in the writing of this blog (correction: Love Letter to your father) you will experience cathartic release from your suffering. You cannot and must not suppress the myriad of emotions swirling around your head but over time, as healing takes place you will be able to embrace the many positives relating to the relationship you shared with your Dad and are still sharing with your Mum.

When the anger abates.......and it will....... you will see so much beauty in what you have written and will experience a sense of joy and peace knowing just how blessed your dad was to have you in his life and vis-versa.

Anyone who has a caring heart will have certain regrets about incidents we could have handled better once a loved one has left us, but that is a sure indication of just how much they meant to us.

Be kind to yourself as you heal and be open to receive the comfort in whatever form it is unconditionally offered from your husband, children, family and friends. It is true that 'your world will never be the same,' but it is all the more richer for having been loved and given love to the extent that you have.

I send you hugs, love and prayers Monica.

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