Hellooooo October! // Musim Gugur

in #steemitmamas6 years ago (edited)

Who loves Autumn?

I think Autumn is my faved season of all. Everything is just beautiful outside. Golden, red, orange, and brown. So pretty. Then we will have Thanksgiving followed with Halloween, two of my faved celebrations as well. So yeah, I luuuurrrrvvveee Autumn big time :D

Naturally, my porch has been decorated with all things Fall - pumpkin, and whatnot. The house is also smelling like pumpkin spice everything :P Don't judge me. I did mention I absolutely love Fall, right?

Asik dah musim Gugur nih :D

Musim Gugur merupakan musim yang paling aku suka. Sejauh mata memandang, kanan-kiri, depan-belakang, atas-bawah (ceile), semua warna-warni. Cakep banget deh. Ada yang kuning, keemasan, oranye, merah, serta coklat. Iya lah, aku ngomongin soal daun-daun, bukan pelangi wkwkkww

Kalau dah musim Gugur gini, sudah pasti dah, namanya juga emak-emak, sok sibuk mempercantik rumah, terutama serambi depan :D

taken at 9 AM, last Monday, it was so misty outside, camera did not want to focus nicely

For this year's decoration, it is just slightly different from last year's. I used my tomato planters to create some "new" decorations. All I did was wrapped the planters with artificial flowers and Fall color frills, all gotten from Dollarstore from years before :P

Tidak jauh berbeda dengan tahun sebelumnya, aku menghias serambi dengan labu dan jerami padi hahah Kurang kerjaan yak. Tapi tahun ini, yah beda dikit lah karena aku buat dekorasi dari alat berkebun :P KERE-atif maksudnya wkwkwk


Usually by now we would have taken family picture already on the porch, but it's been too chilly to go outside to pose. The boys are not having it. I am one sad mama hahaha

Lucky I have a husband to bug :P

Setiap tahunnya, kami usahakan untuk berfoto bersama, sebagai kenang-kenangan. Sayangnya tahun ini dah mulai terlalu dingin buat duduk diluar, jadi belum ada foto keluarga nih.

Anak-anak rewel ga mau, tapi untungnya suami takut istri, jadiiiii....

taken at 8.30 AM this morning, just before leaving for school/work. hahaha

Last Friday though, it was somewhat warm, and I wanted to take picture of the boys with the pumpkins at least, but even so, my oldest did not want to pose on the porch. The hay have been having some visitors....SPIDERS. So, solution was to take picture somewhere else.

Hari Jum'at kemarin sih agak hangat, dan si sulung sempat mau difoto, meski yang bungsu ogah-ogahan. Jadinya ga ada foto si bungsu mainan labu, euy.

Tau film Notting Hill-nya Julia Robert ga? Idenya dari situ untuk foto ini :D

Friday, right after school, because mommy begged :P

And of course, my fun photoshoot is not complete without my cutie pie. Altho he doesn't wanna pose on the porch, nor posing differently from his brother, he did not have problem posing inside the house. I was lazy getting the pumpkins inside tho, so his theme is different from all of ours :P

Karena unggahan hari ini merupakan foto-foto keluargaku, tentunya ga afdol tanpa wajahnya sipercil. Sayangnya dia ga mau foto-foto diluar, dan aku males angkat-angkat labu RAKSASA ke dalam, boyokku itu loh, capek hahhaa :P Jadi tema si percil berbeda dengan kami :D

And oh, since the first picture was taken when HF20 was killing everyones vibe (hahahaha), here is a better shot of the bucket list than on the first picture above :) Can you spot it?

Karena foto paling atas agak burem, ngambilnya pas lagi berkabut tuh pagi, mungkin kurang bisa baca tulisannya yak? Nih mungkin difoto ini lebih jelas :D Bisa baca ga?

Thanks for checking out, you guys!

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I love fall too! The colors, the food, the pumpkins, the smell of fresh air and even cozy rainy days. Awesome pics.

merci ma cherie <3

Hahaha! I laughed so hard over your hubbys photo!!! 😆😂 I can’t wait for halloween!!! It is one of my favorite holiday besides Christmas!

Posted using Partiko iOS

i love Halloween better than my birthday! hahaha

you are in Texas, right?

and btw, am not a Filipina! am surrounded by them :) only know a couple words. wish to learn tho!

Oh I was actually going to talk to you in tagalog hahaha

Yes i live in Tx, only been here for 3 yrs! Still doesn’t feel like home to me! 😅 I miss the the asian culture..

Anyway i love your decorations, can’t wait what you have in mind this year!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dont worry, there are times i dont feel like home here as well, and ive been her for 17 years hahaha

tons of Filipinos here but only 4 Indonesians, and their hubbies are also Caucasians so gathering is never really in Indonesian, always English lol

are you in big city or smaller town? am in a small town of only 20k (15 when its break season, for the oil workers), however we have Filipino float on Canada Day, and they always WIN the float award :D

thank you, you are so kind.

idk yet that i will be throwing a Halloween party, since i think we will be out of town and return a day before Halloween :-/ my kids already getting upset when we discussed it the other day, so idk yet hahahah

Hello i love your autumn decoration. I found the photos of your family members with the cardboard message so cute:)

Are the pumpkin decorations real pumpkins? They are huge.
Love all your photos! Your collage is beautiful!

Follow your dream.

Yes! ❤️😘

Posted using Partiko Android

absolutely! and they were not the biggest at the store tbh. tons more are way bigger but we chose the ones that my youngest could at least try to lift hahah

terimakasih Eliza <3

Ade kecilnya imut

Posted using Partiko Android

makasih tante, untung ngikut bapaknya, kalau ngikut emaknya, ga jadi imut, jadinya amit hahaha

what the?? what kind of an Autumn list is that anyway? haha, no just teasing it all looks like too much fun and your signs are hilarious, especially your husbands! lol.

thanks janton lol

yeah he is a good sport, sometimes :P

ha! howdy again thekitchenfairy! "yeah he is a good sport, sometimes " sounds like he just needs more training! lol.

I love Fall too @thekitchenfairy. Its my fav time of year and my B-day is in mid October. Beautiful fall decorations. Thanks for sharing , girl :O)

ooooh October's birthday is the best altho when i was pregnant with either boys, i calculated not to give birth in October...because Halloween hahaha

my pleasure!

Your image are adorable and I am still laughing at you poor husband lolololol. Still, they are lucky to have you 💚

many thanks pretty lady <3

Ah yes. Halloween is coming? 😀

27 hari lagi hahaha serasa puasa, nunggu Lebaran, menghitung hari wkwkwk

Spring and Fall are my most two favourite seasons. I really miss the leaves changing in the fall, the smell of the woods on a frosty morning and best of all, the smell of pumpkin anything baking!

aaah you are in tropical country, hey.

some people asked before why i would prefer Canada when they would rather retire in tropical countries. that is my reason. i love the changing seasons. my two favorite seasons are Fall and Winter. the colorful leaves, the coldness (well not when its -42 C daily tho, yikes), the smell of burning logs, and definitely pumpkin spice, etc.

some people would think because am new in Canada (17 years is still new, i understand that, but I have been living outside Indonesia since I was in high school and am in my 40s, so not so new new to winter if i may say so myself). i just love that i can see the changing seasons, realizing the earth really rotate, and that i prefer the coldness than the strong heat of the sun hahahah

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