@SteemitMamas Write-Along Challenge: What I thought about 'The Maze Runner' Movie.

in #steemitmamas6 years ago

Ok, so it's time for the latest @SteemitMamas write-along challenge!

This week we are doing reviews! Books, movies, products, restaurants.... Whatever it is, REVIEW it!

This I can do.

Recently I made a very poor life-choice. I mean, really, it made me cranky and irritable for several days. Shoot, I'm still annoyed about it.

I read the entire Maze-Runner series.
NO, no, that's not the bad choice. That was a GOOD choice, it's a great series, interesting, and full of action. I highly recommend it.

That's not what I'm reviewing though.

Nope, what I decided to do right after reading the books is WATCH THE MOVIE. Why would I do this?! I don't know. Mainly to share the cool story with my non-reading-for-fun husband, and partly with a faint hope that the movie would follow the book for once. Well, he DID enjoy the movie. I, on the other hand, detested it. I had a difficult time keeping my mouth shut.

Ok, who am I kidding, almost the entire movie I spent my time saying, that didn't happen! It wasn't like that in the books, that character wasn't like that! What the heck?! WHY MUST THEY CHANGE EVERYTHING?! The story was great the way it was!

It shouldn't say 'based on the best-selling novel'; it should say 'loosly inspired by the best-selling novel'.

Well, to clue you all in, in case you didn't read the series and then watch the movie, here are some of my issues, without giving the story away, (hopefully).

Thomas enters the glade differently. Many small details were changed here that I feel would have been better off left the way they were written. His interactions with his fellow prisoners were changed. People who were bullying him were changed to mentors. Things that were well thought out in the book were shortened and changed to where they don't make a ton of sense to the movie-viewer.
Theresa, a main character, is portrayed differently and does not have the ability to communicate telepathically with Thomas, which ends up being important in the later books, so I wonder how the later movies deal with this. The grievers look different, and have different abilities and physical attributes. The whole situation when the gates stay open and they orchestrate an escape from the maze has been reconstructed to be very different from the book, and doesn't make nearly as much sense, and is less realistic. (Yes, I know this is science fiction, and it is something that is not super realistic to begin with, but a well-written fiction story should make sense, you should be able to see how it COULD happen, and hopefully WHY.)
Right down to the end scene, which was totally reconstructed as well. I don't want to spoil anything, but characters were introduced here that were not introduced yet in the book. Characters died that shouldn't have, and some died that should have, just in a different way. The further along in the movie we got, the more away from the original story I felt it got, and honestly, I wonder what the next 2 movies will do. Yes, I just looked it up. I thought there was only the one, but apparently they made the other two books into movies. Joy.

I don't particularly want to watch them. I'll see if my husband does. He might enjoy another evening on the couch, cuddling me me and listening to me complain about every little detail. Sounds fun!


Honestly, as far as movies go, it was okay.

It was your typical teen sci-fi dystopian fiction film. If I HADN'T read the book, I would have been okay with it, I suppose. It didn't make my eyes bleed or anything, and there was nothing sexual in it, which was refreshing. I wasn't worried about my kids walking out and seeing anything they shouldn't.

It was entertaining enough.

My advice to any of you that may be considering watching this movie: GO READ THE BOOK!

That is all.


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Ya know...I wasn't to fond of the books, and I wondered if the movie was better lol. But I did enjoy the character relationships. It's a bummer they changed so much!

Nope, the movie is NOT better, haha!
Yes, it was annoying, it lost a lot of the depth it had as far as the characters and plot goes. But I suppose all movies end up that way. At least, the ones based on books.
I have never watched a movie and thought, "Wow, they really stayed true to the book!"

Haha the only movie I've thought that was Divergent, but there was a big break between when I had read it and when I saw the movie. So...it might not have been true lol.

That's another one I have been avoiding watching because I think it wont do the book justice. Ill have to check it out, haha. Its been quite a while since Ive read the books too, though. :D

Lol I guess they didn't finish the whole series, but I was okay with that because I thought the ending was awful in the books.

Yes, it was, wasnt it?
I started off enjoying the series, but when I got to the end, I remember thinking, well, Im not reading that again.
Now Ive forgotten most of the story, so I might actually read it again, haha!

Hahaha I suggest watching the movie first so you might enjoy it...then reread the series lol

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I´ve seen the movie first and found it quite interesting! And as I also know that the books are in general much better, I read them all. And I agree with you ;) I loved how they solved the mystery after the first part and you actually have no clue what´s going on when you only watched the movie.

Im sure I would have liked the movie better if I had seen it BEFORE reading the book, haha!

You know I have always found movies fail when recreating a book. I'm sure the same is true with Maize runner. I haven't found the book series...I'll definitely have to do that. Thanks for the heads up @squishysquid!

Haha, no problem, and thanks! ♥

This is what my daughter did
She read the book and then was bursting to talk through the movie, a need to tell what and how - for real haha
The books are always better than the movies 😊
Good review

Haha thanks!
I bet she did. I tried, but I just COULD NOT keep my mouth shut! :D

I have seen very few book-based movies that were not a disappointment.

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