Eureka! I have found it! A CBD oil that actually HELPS my kids with their issues! ♥

in #steemitmamas6 years ago

I have a new weapon in my arsenal of natural remedies!

My kids each have their personal challenges.

These change and evolve as the children age, but basically we have my oldest son, who I believe to be somewhere on the autism spectrum. No, I've not taken him anywhere for a diagnosis, nor will I. I don't feel like slapping a label on him will be helpful, nor will having the doctors try and push meds on us. I have friends with autistic children, who are taking a whole SLEW of medications, and the effects are just heartbreaking.
My daughter suffers from severe anxiety. She can't handle going to the mailbox alone, and doing anything out of the ordinary is just tortuous for her. She gets worked up to the point of vomiting violently. This is a relatively new development, and I feel the onset of puberty may be a factor. She also would be diagnosed with ADD or ADHD if I were to go looking for a label for her, but we aren't doing that either.
My youngest son has a temper like you would not believe sometimes, and I think some underlying sensory issues as well. He also has difficulty falling asleep at night and staying asleep. (I don't do well when he has bad nights, this mama needs her sleep!!)

So far we have managed pretty well, using techniques we have developed from experience, and information I have found online.

We have tried using a few different products with limited success. Essential oils like lavender are somewhat helpful. We have tried a few herbs like ashwagandha and kava kava and they were sort of helpful, but the taste was off-putting to the kids, and there wasn't a huge difference in behavior.

I had also tried CBD oil before, but with the same underwhelming results. The oil was probably too diluted to make much of a difference. I mentally put it into the same category as my other remedies... until recently.

I found a new source for CBD oil a few weeks ago!

I almost didn't bother giving it another try, except lots of people were saying that other brands did not work for them, but THIS one did. I decided, what the heck, I'll give it one more try...



This oil is MUCH more concentrated than other brands, there just is no comparison, and the price is super reasonable. The result is a stronger, better product that I can still afford! I also bought a anxiety-roller which has a combination of CBD oil and some calming essential oils.

I started using this first on my daughter, as her issues are the most challenging at the moment. When I remember to give her the oil three times a day, there is a definite difference in her behavior. She is calmer, less prone to anxiety attacks, (although she will still freak out when there is something new and 'scary' for her to do), she can do small things like go outside and do a chore alone. She also has a much better attention span. She usually struggles to sit still and focus on any one thing, but when I am diligent with the oil, she can focus and accomplish much more. Just the other evening, we were playing a board game as a family. She was bouncing and giggling all over the place and could not focus on anything at all. I remembered I had not yet given her her evening drips. Within 15 minutes of taking the CBD and using the roller, she had calmed down and was playing the game with everyone, having a great time, laughing, but not being disruptive.

With such good results, I have started giving the oil drips and the roller to the boys as well. My youngest has taken it longer than my oldest, and I notice he is generally more calm, cooperative, and happy, with less angry outbursts. He also sleeps better at night which is a RELIEF.

My oldest has only been taking it for less than a week, so it is really too soon to tell if it will help him, and we are still working up to his ideal dose. Could be a cooincidence, but he HAS seemed more emotionally stable than usual lately.

Shoot, I have used the anxiety-roller myself from time to time, and it smells lovely, and has a calming effect.

This has been a real game-changer here.


Yes, we are still going to have challenges and go through difficult stages, but this product is really helping!

I think it is important to use any tools you find helpful, and I sure find this to be helpful! Maybe some of you will as well!

Full disclosure: I don't get anything from sharing this seller; I'm dropping a link to her Facebook page and website below, just in case any of you out there are interested. The website is somewhat unfinished, but the products and descriptions are available on her Facebook page.

Humble Roots Medicinals Facebook page
Humble Roots Website where you can order


As always, thank you for reading! I hope you find this information helpful, and of course, that you have a lovely day! ♥

Do any of you use CBD for kids with sensory issues, pain relief, chronic illness, or anything else? Let me know in the comments what you think!


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Creative Commons License
This work by @SquishySquid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.



As you know my son has bipolar. I hate the daily mix of medications I give him daily and constantly worry about the effects of taking such medications will have on him later in life. I am so happy I cam across the article today from @kaerpediem curation post becaause it sent me googling and I found this, , and will continue to educate myself more.
Thank you for sharing your journey <3

Ill check out the article, thanks!
Yes, this might be an option for you! So much better for you than a cocktail of meds, for sure!

Game changer indeed! Wow @squishysquid this must be such a relief for you. This oil is an incredible healer but you definitely need the write blend/concentrate. Not all are created equal. My difficult autistic stepson is better managed on the oil. He's still really difficult but he's out of control without it

Thanks! You know the feeling then, haha.
It IS a total relief to finally find something that helps. Im not looking for a magic cure or anything, but something that helps is a blessing indeed.

We all hope for that magic cure. But in reality helping us and them cope is what we'll settle for

Wow that is greta, my wife was just trying one brand of CBD oil to see if it would help with her IC, she has only been using it for a few days and it has helped to calm her down and ease some small aches and pains but hasnt helped at all with the IC infact it is making it worse but she is going to give it a few more days and see if it helps

if not we may have to try this brand

thanks for sharing

Great, glad I could help. Apparently not all brands are created equal...

They have a few different products available, and maybe if you messaged the lady who makes them and told her about your wife's specific issues, she could direct you to the best product for her.
Im pretty new to CBD myself and dont know a whole lot yet, but Im learning...

Either way, I hope she finds relief!

I sent my wife the link for the Facebook page and suggested she joinit and ask :)

Thanks again

No prob! I know they are having issues with shipping at the moment due to USPS seizing some of their packages, but they should be up and running again shortly. Hopefully they can help your wife out!

@squishysquid Thanks again I can but hope we find something that helps

I am researching where to get this oil. After my daughter had her seizure this is something I read helps stop the seizure. At the hospital they wanted to put her on drugs. We got the heck out of there! How do you know the right amount to give?

I would definitely recommend trying CBD oil for her then! Glad you listened to your gut and got out of there!!
I have no experience with seizures, but the directions on the bottle say to use 1-2 drops of the oil 2-3 times a day, and work up from there until you find the right dose for you.
The different brands have different concentrations though, so that dose would not be enough in a less concentrated oil.
If it were me I would join a couple facebook groups about CBD oil and it's uses, and ask people for advice. There are so many people out there with experience, this has been the fastest way to get information about specific issues for me.

Hugs for you and your daughter! I cant imagine what an awful thing to have to go through!

Really happy to see that something you have chosen to stick to it (without western medicine) has come to fruition for your kids.

I am pretty sure it is super hard to find it in my own country; but my faith and its music has liberated my anxiety; although it takes a longer process than your special oil.

Then again, every person is so unique it can be customizably dealt with indeed!



Thanks for your kind comment!
Yes, everyone is different, and has different struggles. What works for one does not work for another, and really, there is no magic cure, just things you can do and use to manage it and keep it under control.

My friend has a son with autism who also just started doing cbd oil for his anxiety and she said it works way better than his prescription anxiety meds were! So she took him off of them! Pretty amazing. Love the pic of your daughter - so sweet!! Glad that you have found something that is working. I'm going to pass this along to my friend in case it's better than the one she has. ....edited to add that the shop says they are not currently accepting orders.

Thanks for the kind comment!
Yes, they recently held a huge sale of products and ended up having packages seized by USPS, probably due to leaked product and drug sniffing dogs. They have just about got it cleared up and should be taking orders again soon...

THANK YOU MOMMA!!! We live in a state where it is not legal. A woman came to me and asked what she could possibly do for her handicapped child. The poor kid has multiple issues, seizures being the most serious. I recommended she try cannabis, we are less than an hour to a legal state. She got all huffy with me. "I am not putting my kid on pot. Besides making him a drug addict (here comes the truth...) THEY WOULD CUT OFF THE SSDI CHECK." It made me want to puke. I feel TERRIBLE for her, she is in a corner where she HAS to believe not giving it to her child is the right thing because I have no doubt she relies on that check to feed and house the child but OMG!! To deny your child powerful, natural medicine because you got "Just Say No" beaten into you is sad beyond words. Congratulations on finding what HELPS, screw what anybody else says!

How sad and frustrating! Many people are like this, unfortunately... It just makes me sick, especially the part where they put their 'free' money ahead of the child's health and happiness...

CBD oil is actually legal in all states. It is the THC in cannabis that is illegal, but the hemp-derived CBD is hugely beneficial and perfectly legal. Perhaps mention it to her... If it is legal and will not endanger her beloved check, she may be willing to give it a try.

Yeah, there is a fight in Idaho still. It is legal, there are shops selling it, they are in the midst of legal battles. Remember, the states can outlaw it even if the Fed does not, there are still "dry" states (counties technically, but every county in the state is dry.)

Wow, what a shame!
Gotta love that 'freedom'...

Im so happy you have found something that works for you and your children. Glad to bump into one of your posts!

Sorry to miss this when it came out 💚🌱

Thats okay, haha. :)

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