SteemitMamas Write Along -- Favourite Childhood Toy

in #steemitmamas6 years ago

Thank you @metzli for encouraging me to do a write-along. I hope you don’t mind my late contribution to the theme of 'my favourite childhood toy'.

Because of my age and origin I have to admit that toys were only given at Christmas time and I actually did not have a favourite toy. That doesn't mean I didn't play; on the contrary there was always some game or activity to enjoy with brothers, sister and cousins (:playing tag, hide and seek or making musical shows).

I guess that if you only have a few toys, you play with them so much they get destroyed soon too so you are forced to find something else to entertain yourself.

I remember crying over broken dolls and fighting over a particular small toy with my brothers. Because of this 'lack of toys' I must have started making my own out of scraps of fabric at a very young age. This was considered to be a little bit 'strange' by some, but I wasn't discouraged at all; you will see why below.

I do not remember for sure but very likely at around 7 or 8 years of age I was given 'free range' to use any scraps (and not so scrappy bits) of fabric. I do remember my mum's disappointed face when she discovered I had 'undone' some lovely beading of a dress to make some necklaces for my dolls. I have said 'thank you' to her many times. I reckon she understood my ‘innocence’ and it was also her way to keep me 'out of trouble'.

One activity that’s really stayed with me is Dad showing us how to make paper kites. So we did the whole process : the sourcing of materials, preparation of the paper, wooden sticks, glue, lots of cutting and winding the (clean) thread. Eventually we went climbing the local hill to join the hordes of other youngsters doing the same thing.

That was September in Chile, South America in the early 70s.

The photos I have used are a doll that my youngest made when she was between 7 or 8. She only showed me the final product. I was just as surprised as my mum was when I showed her my 'creations'. (She got one of my older sisters to help her with the eyes).

Thank you for reading ! I'm still learning so I need to check exactly how you do things...

photos and text by @cryptocariad


What a lovely post @cryptocariad. I've been trying to remember a favourite toy and your post helped me realise why it's so difficult to do.

Like you, we only had toys for Christmas and birthdays and then usually, just the one gift from each relative. My, how times have changed.

My daughter has a sunroom that is the play room that has enough toys in it to run a nursery. It's not something that fills me with joy!

Thank you @gillianpearce. There are definitely more toys now than when I was young and it's easier to get freebies too. I have even heard of toy libraries so you can borrow if you don't want to buy !
We definitely could have done with a playroom for our three and all their toys and 'works in progress' lego models and dens :D

Yep. We have a toy library locally @crypocariad and I used to use one when I was livin in the States as I knew we'd only be temporarily. 😊

That's really interesting @gillianpearce. Children do grow out of toys too so giving them a chance to exchange them and not having to worry about storing them is a bonus.

Great post. I love that your kids are carrying on your creativity. Wonderful that your parents encouraged your creativity. That is one of the most precious thing a parent can do - encourage

That's right @steven-patrick; it's all we can do - letting them know that we believe in them.

Thank you for sharing your story @cryptocariad. Now that I think about it, I don't think I remember much about my childhood toys. I guess my favourite was Lego because we can build so many things with the pieces (including skates - which I broke the flat piece in two, trying to ride on them :D). It is so sweet that your daughter is into sewing like you. And creative of her too, to create her own doll.

he he... my youngest was into sewing then @marblely. She's the one that's also done 'crocheting'. All three have got the potential, but it's only the youngest the one that's managed to complete pieces so far :D

Wow, that's impressive for a 7 year old!! I don't remember what I did at 7 except for playing tag with the neighbors lol!

She's a very impressive youngster @alimamasstory. In fact @jen0revision told me she did not need her sister's help for the eyes at the time :D

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