
Alpha preview / Proof of concept
Searches posts for youtube references and makes a video wall
Slick lightbox video player for quick video viewing
All client-side using steemjs
Still to come

Compatibility with more video sites
Post previews
Voting via steemconnect
Better sorting options (currently alphabetical by author only)
Longer history (more videos)
Screenshot - Music videos overview
Alpha preview / Proof of concept
Searches posts for youtube references and makes a video wall
Slick lightbox video player for quick video viewing
All client-side using steemjs
Still to come

Compatibility with more video sites
Post previews
Voting via steemconnect
Better sorting options (currently alphabetical by author only)
Longer history (more videos)
Screenshot - Music videos overview
Screenshot - Video playing
Test it out !

Have a look and let me know what you think ! It is an extremely early version though , and very limited for now .

With a proper backend db tracking youtube references I think there's some potential here :)

The site is live already at :
Lest connet


Sigh.. Don't steal content from other users.

!cheetah ban

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