
Think about it 🤔

A curator doesn't get all the profits. Where else can you make some money just having insightful comments? There is no CEO here taking all that ad money FROM your posts and profiting. The only people profiting here are curators and the people that comment, upvote, and resteem. Seems awfully different to me.

Are we not all in it to win it for ourselves? Sure id love to take all my money I earned and give it away. We all need money however. Thats not to say people are not out for the common good and want to see others succeed. If my post only makes me 10 bucks and yours makes a 100 all the power too you. Work hard to achieve success. Be lazy and well you get what you get....Thats how I see it anyway. No one here got where they are today rehashing old news, writing bland crappy content. No they worked hard and pushed out tons of content and in the start didnt make crap, but by growing a following, and being appreciated of others work they get paid now...seems fair to me. Hell what do you get out of twitter, facebook, instagram, pintrest? Seems to me they get all the traffic, the ad payout and what do you get? Some followers to follow your stuff, unless your selling something your giving your expertise out for nothing am I right?

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