Recruits announced - and another generous gift!

in #steemithelp6 years ago


After shadowing our ten newbies last week, we have decided on the THREE newest recruits for the Welcome Wagon to take through our 7 day "crash course"!




These three recruits have shown consistency in their writing, a hunger for learning, and amazing initiative. We have to admit - @still-observer showed all of this and more this week. We were absolutely in awe of your skill, your proficiency on Steemit, and the level of your photography just blew us away! The only reason why we didn't choose you is because it seems as if you've already gotten a firm handle on Steemit! We will most likely still be dropping by your posts - as I can tell you - I'm addicted to your photography! If you ever do have questions, we'd be happy to offer you any help we can give!

For our recruits this week, we'll be showcasing their work throughout this week, teaching them Steemit tips in private sessions, and guiding them to a great community of their choice at the end of the week! We hope we can help get them on the best path for Steemit success :) Feel free to show your support as much as possible! While we are supporting our three from this week, we will also be shadowing some more newbies, to select the next round of newbies for next week! We are LOVING this so much already!!!!!

and now.... another gift for the Welcome Wagon? Yes, indeed!

With just about every project or initiative that I've started on Steemit, fellow Steemians have always refused payment from me. (but I try to find a way to sneak gifts to them!) They find ways to join arms and increase any small bit of my generosity a hundred-fold.

I am truly truly blessed with some very generous people, and every single person on the Welcome Wagon team is generous!

I know we just awarded a prize for our banner comments - but guess what?

We have a beautiful new logo, courtesy of @penderis - and I am in AWE of how gorgeous it came out!!!!

We hope you love it as much as we do!! Look how clever that wood-burned Steemit logo is in the center of the wagon wheel! Gorgeous! Thank you so much @penderis! We will wear it with pride!

@dreemsteem, for the Welcome Wagon

we LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE our new logo, @penderis!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!! :)

Awesome new logo and very good new recruits!!

Thanks @maverickinvictus!!! :) loved talking with you today! :)

This is Sooo so cool! I love every inch of what you're doing. Not just helping people out, but getting them pointed in a direction that will help them be successful! I am so thrilled to see this. You guys are great. I am doing something similar on my discord channel, STEEMTOPIA So let me know if you ever need anything. Maybe we can combine forces in some way. I can direct people to you as well. Let me know what works best.

p.s. love the logo too! It's got that burnt wood look. Super cool.

Yes! We really want to have a very personal touch with our newbies and come alongside them to equip them!!! :)

We always love having people hand pick newbies out for us!!! The way we do it - is we will shadow a group for a week, and then based on their interaction and content and passion for Steemit.... we'll choose from them for the following week to grab our new recruits!

So thrilled that there are others out there doing this too! It's never about competition, right? Always about working towards the same goal - a stronger Steemit!

Thanks for reaching out to newbies @littlescribe! I so appreciate other groups with the same heart as us!

and - didn't Pen do a fantastic job on that logo???? i also love the burnt wood look of the steemit logo on our wagon wheel hehehehe

p.s. thanks for the encouragment and support!!!!

I'm happy to send noobs your way. I just get them started on my channel, but if any have questions and want a little more hand holding, do you want new names, or do you feel like you guys are pretty saturated as it is right now?

This is amazing choices 🤗 and I have to say..
Such Badass logos @penderis I looove them 👍
Woooot to Welcome wagon ❤️

they're pretty hot!!!! he did a great job :) Woot indeed :)

Congratulations to the new Recruits. Sure you will learn a lot and the peers will learn from you as well, which is how it should be.

Can't wait to see where you all find your little spot in the communities and how you grow on steem. Exciting times.

Congrats on your logo @dreemsteem I think it looks spiffy 😂


and yes - we will all be learning together! I love when I get to "teach" - cuz I learn on a whole new level that way! hhahahaha

awesome work guise :)

Thanks @battleaxe! we just got another delegation today from @sircork today! super exciting!!! can't wait til we hit 1000 SP :)

Lovely logo! I like the Western font and it's effects too.

Really great selection of recruits there!

We agree :) and our recruits are pretty awesome! hehehehe

Yay! Recruits! I’ll be following along.

@penderis = SUPERHERO! The logo is AMAZEBALLS!


isn't it amazing?!?!?!?!?!?! i love it so much! and did you see the glow on the wood? hehehehe it really glows when its in the dark mode ;)

This is very good logo from @penderis it look Gorgeous, I like it so much. Congrats to new recruits let steem on.
Thanks for the update @dreemsteem.

We love it so much!!! it's exactly what I would hope it would look like!!!! :)

Thank you so much for picking me as one of your recruits, I feel honoured. I've already learned a ton, and had some great fun in the process. @dreemsteem, you're awesome!

That was really fun last night, wasn't it? We will try our best to help you not be addicted like the rest of us! hahaahaha

It's an absolute joy and pleasure to have you on the Welcome Wagon! I only see it going UP from here for you!!! Thank you for being so willing to learn! You have a joy that's infectious!

Steem on @ydraz :)

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