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Being a @welcomewagon recruit was a great gain in many ways! Super glad the journey hasn't ended yet!

We don't have that tradition in my country and English isn't my native language so don't mind me if you read something corny in the following suggestions:

1- The Pionners!

2-The Trailblazers!

3- The Forerunners!

There! Cool names ( I hope) for the first batch of the WW :D

PS ( the exclamation mark is there so you can shout the name instead to see what it gives hehehe)


Trailblazers! I like the sound of that!

We're gonna be awesome ! XD

Those are all fabulous names! Loving that way that you think @sarcastic.taco!!!

I LOVE these names and I love the exclamation marks! 💚

hahahha and I love your enthusiasm more !

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