@superinvisible, This Post Is For You - Step By Step Start Up For Your Steemit Account

in #steemithelp7 years ago (edited)

So, I had two friends join steemit and I wanted to help them figure it out in less time than it took me. This post is for them...and any of you who also want some help with some of the quirks of the site.


Go to https://imgsafe.org/ and upload your profile pic. Go to settings in your account. Click the pic, go to the page it sends you to and put the .jpeg link (not the address at the top of the page) under the pic you uploaded to the steemit site in the correct location. Do the same with a background and fill in the rest of the info. Use the really long password that they provide for you if you haven’t changed it to save all the information.

To write a post, click on Submit a Story and start writing. Add tags at the bottom with # and in lower case. You can do anything like #help, #friends, etc. There are some frequently used ones which you can find by pushing the home button and looking at the right hand side where the tags are listed. You can use anything though to help people find your post.

When writing a story, either use the editor or Markdown which is like html programming. The editor has a place to upload the photo, but it has to be downloaded to imgsafe first and then put the link to the jpeg in there. Click on Markdown Styling Guide if you need help with this – bold, italics, headers, etc.

To search for someone or something, click on the little search icon and type in what you are looking for. It isn’t the best search engine, but it works good enough to get you to where you want to go if it is there. If you’re looking for a person, search for their account name. Click on the link and it will take you to the post. After the title, you will see the account name. Click on it and you can click follow or click on the name and go to their main blog page to see all of their posts.

To write your intro post, tell a little about yourself and include a pic of yourself with steemit and the date written on a paper by your face (or covering part of your face)! Then tag it with #introduceyourself and whatever else you talked about. People love to read these, so make it entertaining and it's your chance to make a great first impression. Some people wait to write these for a few days or so.

To see comments you've made on other posts, click on comments on your main page. To see replies people have left on your posts or comments, click replies. You can respond to their replies there. This might seem obvious, but it took me a few days to figure out what was what! Feed/Home takes you to the posts by the people you follow.

It takes a few days or weeks to get the hang of things. Comment on other posts that interest you by clicking reply at the end of the post. Push the up arrow next to the price on the post to “upvote” it. Have fun and take a look around!

You can do it!!


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Thanks for the guide :) It was useful for me as well. I can't thank enough to the people who create guides, they save my life lol.

Great, it will help the newbies to create the account easily.

One thing I noticed that newbie get frustrated very easily if they do not get enough attention and for attention, they start spamming comments. My 2 cent note to them is "Don't Spam Comments. If you really want to comment write some meaningful comments."
Upvoted :)

I completely agree! If you're going to make a comment, make it thoughtful. And read the article you're commenting on! :) Thanks for the comment!

This is a great guide for people just getting started! Whenever I comment on #introduceyourself posts, I always include the following advice, so I'll pass this along to you and the readers as well:

There are several ways to make the most of your time here on the website. First, familiarize yourself with the way the platform works by browsing the FAQs.

Next, check out the Steemit Etiquette Guide for tips on how to interact with others in the community and how to introduce yourself to everyone.

Finally, when it comes to commenting, check out this guide created by one of our own #unmentionables that will get you on the road to becoming a comment expert!

The rest is up to you! Happy Steeming!

Its always nice to see posts that help newbies out this is very informative and insightful thank you for posting.

Informative article. If you haven't seen my article on how to take full advantage of the Minnow Support Group (which looks like you might be in) then check it out. As you may know, it is a great resource for people starting out. https://steemit.com/minnowsupport/@narconaught/highlight-minnow-support-project-and-how-to-register

I will check this out as I don't really know what I'm in and what I'm not in. :)

Welcome! Super excited to see what fun you post. :)

@superinvisible.. could this be a fellow panamama i know??? ;)

you're a life saver. i don't have a ton of patience for this stuff. if it takes too much brain power.. which is on low supply at the end of my day (also the only time i have to work on this stuff), then i'll check out pretty quick. you rock!

Enjoy! It's going to be a fun ride. ;) Glad I could help you guys get started! Welcome to steemit!

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This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond

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