Obligatory First Year Anniversary Post


I’ve been Busy

I discovered Steemit in August, about a year ago, and since then I’ve been busy.

Before that I’d done many chores. In the seventies I was in the Military first I was involved in that nasty south east asian war,

then other places around the world....for a decade.

Then I raised Hogs... goats, sheep, chickens , ducks

and dogs and did I mention HOGS? AND I raised a garden and a boy. I was also an industrial electrician, a fork lift driver, stocker, sorter and truck unloader in a warehouse, a school bus driver, a rural route electric meter reader, an office worker and computer operator(it had a card reader...it was THAT OLD) in a furniture store and MORE....for a decade.

Then I began driving trucks. First I drove a weenie wagon, Werner Enterprises blue trucks, then I bought my own rig and struck out on my own. I pulled a flat bed, a step deck a double drop, a beam and a thirteen axle heavy hauler. I hauled rocks, steel, beer, paper, diapers, tractors, excavators, trucks, cars, mine trucks ,bulldozers, windmill towers and just about anything that wouldn’t spoil or die on the trailer. I drove two and a half MILLION miles or MORE...over every mile of interstate in the contiguous United States that allowed trucks. I also drove on a BUNCH of backroads, a good bit of Canada and part of Mexico.....for two and a half decades.






Then came the Obama Reign of Error. His policies were a disaster for me. I went from making a quarter million a year...to bankruptcy....and MORE. He changed the hours of service...twice. He instituted so many new rules that no one could hope to keep up. Ignorance of the law is no excuse don’t you know? (Would you like to pay that fine in cash or with your Visa Card? we don't take checks. ) The last straw were the new medical standards. Who knew that an old trucker was expected to have blood pressure like an eighteen year old? So I took BP medicine and it damn near killed me. Allergic reaction and a ride in the ambulance and a stay in the hospital overnight($$$$) far from home. That and other stuff.... forced me off the road.

For a year and a half I subsisted on Social Security, what my wife brought home from working at walmart and a meager amount of money from writing and selling books on Amazon Kindle.

Then I found Steemit in August of last year, the light at the end of the tunnel.

From that point on, when I was awake I blogged on Steemit.

I was given five dollars worth of steem when I came in the door. I used it to....








I fullfilled a life long dream..

I bought a boat with some of the money I earned on Steemit.
(the trailer was just a bonus)

built stairs to get in and out easily.

It haz no motors.
all the wood on the inside was either rotted or molded...(either sunk or rainwater)

so I'm ripping out it's leetle guts...
I haf ze technology....
...I vill rebuild it....

That's been my FIRST year on Steemit.
What does the future hold?

I’m Everitt D Mickey and these are my boys.
According to

and I’m it.
I hope that I have informed or entertained you with my post.
To see more be sure to follow me @everittdmickey
Upvoting, tipping the author, or transfer of steem to my account
would help pay for cat food,
kitty litter and groceries.
it would be very much appreciated.
Comments are always welcome.
Thanks .
seeya on the flip side


Congratz man! obama Reign of Error lol nice one!

thank you
no less than the truth...
his reign of error was worse than the Viet Nam war.

I'm glad you're alive. M.

@everittdmickey, congratulations on your achievements here. What a handsome young man you were! 😊

thankyou...shame about what happened with age..

Good going Boss!

Thank you for the openness, my good man! You have done a lot, and you are doing a lot. I had my share in tracks across the east cost, shame that the regime scrawed up with your honest providing... Very happy and inspired that you reinvented yourself. Congrats, wish you love, health and best of luck.

Interesting read and life! To another year of Steeming! And more!

as long as Steemit survives.
(destroy all bots)

Amazing photography and nice information.....

Great story, mate! Your life is very inspiring, even briefed here shortly, can see a lot of troubles you've come over and the experience it gave to you! Reminds me a bit of Jack London, how he started writing books and tried many occupations during his youth! Grand to follow you, mate!

The call of the Wild
...a story of wolves.
I can relate.

A very interesting life! I admire you! Steem On!

Congrts @everittdmickey on your first year on steemit and wow driving that much you must of seen many many awesome things, also well done on getting the boat you always wanted.

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