Describe your street ! A 5 minute freewrite

Those of us who live in a city are neighbors of a street where we carry out many daily chores. In my case, I live in a residential area where my house is located next to a wide avenue. Being an important road artery, the flow of vehicles is continuous, during the last two years this vehicular traffic has decreased notably as a result of the pandemic.

One of the advantages of the avenue is that it has several shopping centers where I can buy various products such as food, clothing, household products, there are also fast food restaurants, among others.

As I live in a tropical area at sea level, the climate is conducive to different types of trees and palm trees, which are cared for in the gardens of residences and shopping centers, we even have trees that are on the edge of the sidewalks, some of which they even form a vegetable tunnel on it.

Another blessing of the avenue is the presence of many birds that with their chirping brighten the day, making the traffic bustle forget at times.

© 2021, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved



Los que vivimos en una ciudad somos vecinos de una calle donde realizamos muchas tareas cotidianas. En mi caso vivo en una zona residencial donde mi casa se encuentra al lado de una amplia avenida. Al ser una arteria vial importante, el flujo de vehículos es continuo, durante los últimos dos años este tráfico vehicular ha disminuido notablemente como consecuencia de la pandemia.
Una de las ventajas de la avenida es que cuenta con varios centros comerciales donde puedo comprar diversos productos como comida, ropa, productos para el hogar, también hay restaurantes de comida rápida, entre otros.
Como vivo en una zona tropical a nivel del mar, el clima es propicio para diferentes tipos de árboles y palmeras, las cuales se cuidan en los jardines de residencias y centros comerciales, incluso tenemos árboles que están al borde de las aceras, algunos de los cuales incluso forman un túnel vegetal en él.
Otra bendición de la avenida es la presencia de multitud de pájaros que con su canto alegran el día, haciendo olvidar por momentos el bullicio del tráfico.




Dear friends

This is my entry for the Friday's freewrite challenge of @mariannewest. If you want to participate here you have the rules at the following link.

Thanks so much for reading.

Waiting for your upvotes, comments and resteem.


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[Image gif authorized by @freewritehouse]

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